Huizhou, 8 Aug (ZXS) -- Dongpo culture has become a popular "check-in" spot in Huizhou, Guangdong

Written by Zhang Lu

"A self-po gong in the South China Sea, the world does not dare to small Huizhou", this is the Qing Dynasty talented poet Jiang Fengchen's interpretation of Su Dongpo Yuhui. Jiang Bing, vice president of Guangdong Cultural Society, believes that Dongpo culture is an indispensable part of Lingnan culture, and the inheritance and development of Lingnan culture is deeply influenced by Dongpo culture.

Today, the construction of Huizhou's Dongpo cultural inheritance project has become a must-visit "check-in" point for tourists in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and even from all over the world to Huizhou. A few days ago, the delegation of Lingnan Cultural Communication Research Institute came to Huizhou to explore the imprint of Dongpo culture and Lingnan cultural inheritance and development.

Huizhou, also known as Goose City, was known as "Lingdong Famous County" in ancient times, which was founded more than 1400,1094 years ago and is a place where Lingnan culture gathers. In October 10, Su Dongpo was deposed and demoted to Huizhou. He is open-minded by nature, not trapped by difficulties, promotes cultivation and education, indulges in landscapes, fills in words and poetry, and builds a bridge for the exchange and integration of Central Plains culture and Lingnan culture.

Ten days after Su Dongpo came to Huizhou, he wrote "You Baishui Shu Fu", praising the "hanging water and the mountains are eight or nine folds" here, and lamenting that "bathing in the soup pool, it is very hot, and its source can be cooked." ”

Su Dongpo's poetic style is bold, and his poem "The soup spring spits out the bright mirror, and the white water flies and the rain comes", depicting the majestic momentum of the Jiulongtan Waterfall and the comfort and comfort of bathing in the soup spring. Since then, Tangquan has been known as "Dongpo Spring".

Dongpo culture has now become the golden business card of Tangquan, and cultural attractions such as Lingnan-style Dongpo Academy, Dongpo Pavilion, Dongpo Road, Si Wu Innocence Bridge, Chaoyuntai, Smoke and Rain Trail, Yulaitang and Spring Eye Nature Reserve all outline the strong characteristics of Dongpo. Data shows that it attracts nearly 10 million tourists from home and abroad every year.

In the Huizhou Dongpo Memorial Hall, more than 100 historical relics related to Su Dongpo are displayed. Guan Jianren, dean of the Dongjiang Cultural Research Institute of Huizhou University, introduced that Su Dongpo wrote 587 poems, words, texts, letters, calligraphy and paintings, etc., which has never stopped its influence on Huizhou and left a deep imprint on Dongjiang culture.

On August 8, the Lingnan Cultural Heritage and Development Research Team visited the Huizhou Dongpo Memorial Hall. Photo by Zhang Lu, reporter of China News Agency

Su Dongpo's poem "The victory of the world has been exhausted, Kuanglu Nanling and West Lake", mistakenly Huizhou Feng Lake as West Lake, and the subsequent literati Yashi, who chanted poems here, were also called West Lake, so it has the reputation of "Thirty-six West Lakes in the world, only Huizhou Foot and Hangzhou".

Fenghu Academy in Huizhou, one of the four famous colleges in Guangdong, is located in the West Lake Scenic Area of Huizhou. The "Humanistic Ancient Zoulu, Landscape and Small Pengying" of the main gate tower accurately portrays the spiritual temperament of Lingnan culture and Dongpo culture. In recent years, the Huizhou Municipal Government has rebuilt historical buildings such as the gate tower of Fenghu Academy and Shang Zhixuan, and completed the Fenghu Academy Expo Hall in 2022, as an important cultural attraction of Huizhou West Lake, which is integrated with the cultural vein of Dongpo and continues to be inherited.

On August 8, the Lingnan Cultural Heritage and Development Research Team visited Fenghu College. Photo by Zhang Lu, reporter of China News Agency

According to reports, the construction of Huizhou Dongpo cultural inheritance project has become a unique cultural scenic spot in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay. In the first half of this year alone, 1740.<> million tourists came to "check in". Recently, the Lingnan Institute of Cultural Communication has set up a research base in Huizhou, which will organize experts and scholars to explore more of the characteristic culture of "Dongpo Yuhui" and the connotation of Lingnan culture, help the construction of contemporary culture in Huizhou, and revitalize the new vitality of the national historic city. (End)