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Picture of the Osnabrück police: The bicycle of the person who caused the accident

Photo: Police Inspectorate Osnabrück

An 84-year-old woman was hit by a cyclist in Osnabrück and critically injured. The person responsible for the accident fled, as the police announced on Tuesday. The elderly woman had crossed a sidewalk on Monday and entered a bus platform. The cyclist first drove on the sidewalk and finally collided on the bus platform with the 84-year-old, who fell to the ground.

An emergency doctor took care of the elderly woman, she was taken to the hospital with serious head injuries, according to police. According to the information, the cyclist remained briefly at the scene of the accident, locked his bike there and then fled.

The police have started the investigation and are looking for witnesses who observed the accident or can provide information about the cyclist. The accident occurred around 16 p.m. According to the police, the person responsible for the accident was described as follows: about 25 to 30 years old, about 170 centimeters tall, dark skin, black, curled, a few centimeters long hair, beard (slightly longer than three-day beard), white jacket, blue backpack.
