Beijing, August 8 (Zhongxin Net) -- The great changes in the world today unprecedented in a century have accelerated its evolution, and China has accelerated the construction of a new development pattern, promoted high-quality development, and promoted Chinese-style modernization. On the new journey, how to let the world better understand the open China and share the opportunities of China's development with the world is a topic of global concern.

Recently, the final selection results of the 2022 China Positive Energy Network Boutique were released, and 550 online positive energy works stood out and are being publicized. These positive works record the pulse of the times, outline the figure of endeavor, and inspire us to move forward, and many of them tell the story of China's development to the world, share Chinese solutions and Chinese wisdom.

China Positive Energy Network Collection Exhibition provides a window to the world to observe China. Interpret the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and draw up a grand blueprint for China's future development; Scientifically analyze China's economic situation and data, so that the world can rationally understand the trend of China's economy and the world's economic development; With the theme of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games, it showcases China's rich cultural heritage and strong synergy towards the future together; Excavate the deeds of love and dedication of people from all walks of life; A new picture of beautiful China...

Text, pictures, audio videos, special columns, and themed activities, China Positive Energy Network shows Chinese business cards to the world and tells the story of Chinese's dream and struggle.

The China Positive Energy Network Collection Exhibition and Broadcast Activity allows the world to better understand the new opportunities for China's development. In 2022, China's GDP will leap to 120 trillion yuan, and the quality of development will steadily improve. From 2013 to 2021, China's average contribution to world economic growth was as high as 38.6%. The Expo has been held for five consecutive years, attracting exhibitors from more than 3500 countries and regions every year, with a cumulative intended turnover of nearly <> billion yuan in five sessions. There are also a series of international trade events such as the Service Trade Fair, Canton Fair, and Consumer Expo, all of which highlight the strong attractiveness of China's ultra-large market. The China-Europe train, the "Silk Sea Route" route, and the new land-sea corridor in the west have played a full role as links in intermodal transport, trade and people-to-people exchanges, and have clarified the historic opportunities brought by China to promote global infrastructure and trade growth.

These positive works of the network show the tangible benefits brought to the development of countries such as China's "Belt and Road" initiative and global development initiatives from different levels, and show the vitality and opportunities brought by China's expanding high-level opening up to the world economy.

China Positive Energy Network Collection Exhibition and Broadcast Activities convey the positive energy of public opinion between China and the world. A family of three generations of cross-ocean relay insisted on visiting the elderly in their hometown for the Mid-Autumn Festival for 27 years, foreign students walked into Jingdezhen, Jiangxi to understand the origin of "Jingpiu has been rooted here for a long time", the three-dimensional interpretation of Chinese etiquette culture by the global Chinese "Cloud Festival Hole", and the series of activities "I read poetry for you all over the world", so that people from different countries in the world can enjoy a cross-cultural art exchange together...

Focusing on the exchanges between Chinese culture and the world, the vivid content displayed by China Positive Energy Network tells the touching story of Chinese culture going to the world and the hearts and minds of Chinese and foreign people sharing common opinion, continuously enhancing the understanding and recognition of the outside world of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and making valuable contributions to promoting exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations.

One by one, the positive energy network boutiques let the world see China's opening up to the outside world in a larger scope, wider fields and deeper in the new era, shaping a credible, lovely and respectable image of China, condensing into strong positive energy, and continuing to narrate the Chinese story of forging ahead on a new journey and striving for a new great cause.