China News Network, August 8 (Reporter Zuo Yuqing) "Machines and equipment have no thinking, and my job is to give them ideas through programming, so as to achieve automation."

From a small plumber who does not understand anything to a comprehensive automation system that can now be independently written for the company, for Chen Zhicai, who is engaged in electrical control and automation, technological breakthroughs always require passion for work and perseverance to study hard.

Learn automation technology: "You must figure this out yourself." ”

In 2011, Chen Zhicai came to Qinghai Wushan Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. At that time, the company's electrolytic aluminum project was in its infancy, and the electrical operation workshop was undoubtedly the power "heart" of the electrolytic aluminum industry.

However, in the commissioning and installation stage of the relevant machines, Chen Zhicai found that he and other employees in various positions in the workshop were completely confused about the automation technology of electricity.

"If this phenomenon continues, it will be detrimental to the production of the enterprise and the growth of employees in the future, so I made up my mind that I must figure this thing out myself."

Chen Zhicai, who is studying on his own. Photo by Zuo Yuqing

To this end, Chen Zhicai took the initiative to apply for training in Shenzhen twice. In order to save rent, he rented only a loft in Shenzhen, which contained only simple tables, chairs and benches and a bed. At the beginning of the class, Chen Zhicai deeply felt the gap between himself and others.

"Many of the students in the classroom have already been exposed to relevant content in the factory and have a certain practical foundation." Chen Zhicai, who started from scratch, said that he could keep up with the simplest basic theory at the beginning, but as the course entered the professional field, he struggled more and more. "I don't understand the data format and communication mode."

In order to try to catch up with the progress of the class, Chen Zhicai, who did not admit defeat, immersed himself in the classroom and the sea of books, in addition to a fixed 10-hour course every day, he also used the evening time to study by himself, often learning in the early morning.

"I took a whole 5 notes, including a lot of audio recordings and some videos." Automation PLC and industrial robot communication control, touch screen and host computer programming... During the study, Chen Zhicai not only frequently consulted teachers, but also humbly learned advanced programming concepts from experienced students.

In addition to going out to study, Chen Zhicai also followed the manufacturers who came to debug the machine in the early stage of the construction of the electrolytic aluminum project. For this reason, Chen Zhicai even gave up the opportunity to go home to his family during the Spring Festival.

"At that time, there were indeed many colleagues who did not understand, but at that time, the manufacturers were all from the southeast coast, with some of the more cutting-edge advanced technologies at that time, and the construction period of the commissioning project was relatively tight, I felt that if I missed it, there would be no such a valuable opportunity, in the final analysis, I still want to learn more."

During the day, Chen Zhicai followed the manufacturer to learn debugging step by step, and at night, he practiced the operation repeatedly in the workshop alone. At the longest, he stayed in the workshop for 5 days and 4 nights. "Now, after ten years of being together, I have developed a deep friendship with these machines like friends."

Self-authored integrated automated centralized control system: "I am particularly unconvinced"

Hard study has greatly improved Chen Zhicai's technology, and it has also made him the company's "leader" in technology. Not only can he be proficient in overhauling the equipment, but he can also write his own programs to make the machine more "reasonable".

According to reports, the company's air compressor station is all female employees, and it is necessary to conduct an hourly spot inspection and patrol of the equipment at that time, which is physically exerting, especially at night. Chen Zhicai racked his brains and designed a comprehensive automated centralized control system for the four imported air compressors of the air compressor station.

Chen Zhicai is overhauling equipment. Photo by Zuo Yuqing

"When installing the air compressor, many foreign experts kept our technology secret, and said that we could not study this. I am particularly unconvinced, thinking that your foreign engineers can come up with this, can't we figure it out ourselves? ”

Relying on this breath held in his heart, Chen Zhicai thoroughly understood the program logic of the air compressor, and successfully completed the compilation of the comprehensive automatic centralized control system, so that the control systems of the four air compressors were all controlled by a computer, so as to realize the real-time control of the operating parameters of the air compressor, alarm information and other data.

"Many employees were very happy at the time, saying that they didn't have to run to the machine room in the middle of the night. Looking at their happy expressions, I also feel a sense of accomplishment. Chen Zhicai said.

Nowadays, the spot inspection and patrol of the air compressor station has changed from the original 1 hour to 4 hours, which not only saves labor costs, but also improves work efficiency, timely handling of machine failures, and makes safety more guaranteed.

"The realization of the integrated automated centralized control system will also help to reduce the energy consumption of the electrolytic aluminum industry." Chen Zhicai said.

Passing on the torch: "Enterprises must have new blood"

On Chen Zhicai's office desktop, there are notes he took while studying all year round. The readers of these notes are mainly young workers in the workshop.

Chen Zhicai knows that technology can only be inherited and innovated through sharing. He insists on "passing on the help", often conducts technical training for young employees, and provides hands-on guidance on site. In the power workshop alone, Chen Zhicai has trained more than 30 employees.

Chen Zhicai and his colleagues operate the integrated automated centralized control system in the main control room. Photo by Dong Yufei

"This will help them grow quickly and become technical talents who can stand out at critical moments." He said, "Enterprises need to have new blood. ”

For his future, Chen Zhicai is still full of enthusiasm for work: "I hope to learn more about the learning methods of technical talents, see more advanced equipment, learn more new technologies in professional aspects, and then make more contributions in industrial production." ”

"As industrial workers in the new era, we must inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of our predecessors, focus on our work, strive for excellence, constantly embrace new technologies, learn new knowledge, and overcome every technical difficulty, which is the 'craftsman spirit' I understand." (End)