【Commentary】This summer, with the popularity of tourism, an emerging profession called "accompanying photography" has become popular on the Internet. Different from traditional commercial photography, "companionship" pays more attention to the sense of companionship, and the photographic equipment is lighter and cheaper. The reporter searched on social platforms with the keyword "accompanying photography" and found a large number of promotional posts of "accompanying photographers". In the service introduction, most of them include shop visits, trips and shopping together, etc., and provide full shooting and photo editing services.

【Commentary】Zhao Yi, a Beijing girl who graduated from her senior year this year and is waiting for graduate school to start, is a photography enthusiast. After learning about "accompanying photography" a week ago, she began to use her summer vacation time part-time. Unexpectedly, the "accompanying photography" industry is in huge demand, and she received more than 5 orders in just 10 days.

【During the same period】Part-time "escort photographer" Zhao Yi

I saw the profession of "accompanying photography" on the Internet before, and then I felt that it was quite suitable for me, so I also posted a post on the Internet, (5 days) I think there must be more than 10 orders. In fact, I only bought the camera around June this year (2023), and I think my technology may not be able to charge such a high price. I'm 6 yuan an hour, and if I want to shoot two people, I need to add money. I'm going to raise the price next week because there are so many people coming that I can't fix it.

Zhao Yi told reporters that the "accompanying photography" industry, whether photographers or customers, is mostly young people. This form is popular with young people on the one hand because of the high degree of freedom. On the other hand, "accompanying photos" not only includes taking photos, but also provides tour guides and escort services, which meets the social needs of some people.

【During the same period】Part-time "escort photographer" Zhao Yi

The threshold is relatively low, your device mobile phone can be, and then the camera even has a lot of DV machines (digital video cameras), which is also more suitable for young people, because it is very diverse, you can shoot how you want, you just need to say your needs. I picked up a (going) Shichahai before, I not only took pictures of her, I also introduced her to the attractions, that is, take her to play around, introduce her, equivalent to accompanying this feeling, not only taking pictures, because we are walking while shooting, we will chat during the walk, she is here alone to play, she doesn't understand much, she may also need someone to play with her, and then take pictures of her or something.

【Commentary】This year's sophomore Bai is experiencing "escort photography" for the first time, and she chose this service because in her opinion, in addition to taking photos, "accompanying photography" can also provide emotional value.

【During the same period】 "Accompanying Photography" experiencer Bai classmate

The first I think I can choose my favorite place to shoot, the second I think I can make my favorite friends, have some company, and then she can accompany me to visit the park, and then like a friend, and then take pictures with me and talk to me about some fun things.

The reporter found that in the current "escort" industry, there are part-time amateur photographers like Zhao Yi, and there are also professional full-time "escorts". Affected by various factors such as city, equipment, and professionalism, the price of "accompanying photography" fluctuates greatly. As a new thing, the "escort" industry is not yet mature. On social platforms, many netizens also shared their experiences of encountering "wrong goods" and being contracted, and Zhao Yi also had the experience of being "released pigeons" by customers. The lawyer said that the possible safety issues behind the "accompanying shooting" cannot be ignored. He reminded the public to be vigilant and pay attention to their own property and personal safety.

【During the same period】Han Xiao, lawyer of Beijing Kangda Law Firm

I think that when consumers choose a "escort" service, the first thing they should consider is safety factors, try to choose the shooting location in a crowded place, and try to choose the shooting time during the day. Before consumers reach an agreement with the "escort" to "accompany the photographer", try to verify the true identity of both parties, such as the content, time, shooting location, and cost of the "accompanying shooting", and should try to have a clear agreement. In addition, if the specific "escort" service meets the characteristics of selling goods (or providing) services (business activities) through the Internet (and other information networks), the e-commerce platform may also be required to conduct a relevant review of this qualification for these products and services related to the life and health of consumers in accordance with the relevant provisions of the E-Commerce Law. If the security obligation is not fulfilled and the damage is caused, the consumer can demand compensation from the e-commerce platform.

Reporting by Wang Shibo and Shi Yu from Beijing

Responsible Editor: [Luo Pan]