Julien Pichené, with Solène Delinger 10:56 am, August 29, 2023

On the occasion of his return to the antenna of "Sud Radio" for new political interviews, Jean-Jacques Bourdin granted an exclusive interview to our colleagues of the "Figaro" Monday, August 28, 2023. An interview in which he returns for the very first time on his eviction from BFMTV.

Jean-Jacques Bourdin would have liked to stay at BFMTV, of which he was the star of the morning with his famous political interview of 8:30. Fourteen months after his ouster, the journalist returned to this case for the first time. In an interview with Le Figaro, he said he was "marked" and "bruised" by the way his departure took place.

"The audience has dropped"

He regrets the lack of support from management, before specifying that he has turned the page and that he does not want to settle accounts. But, the journalist still noted this: "When I launched the big political interview, we were doing exceptional market shares. Since then, the audience has dropped."


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Jean-Jacques Bourdin dismissed following accusations of sexual assault

It should be noted that even if the case was closed without follow-up, it was after accusations of sexual assault of Fanny Agostini, former weather presenter of the channel, that Jean-Jacques Bourdin had been dismissed.