Xi'an, 8 Aug (Zhongxin Net) -- This reporter learned from the Xi'an Municipal Public Security Bureau on 14 August that the Xi'an police recently actively launched a special operation to crack down on the resale and sale of tickets for scenic spots, successfully destroyed a number of "scalpers" who resold tickets to popular tourist attractions through unannounced visits and other means, detained five people according to law, and administratively punished four people.

As a popular tourist city in the country, Xi'an has welcomed a large number of tourists this summer, and popular attractions such as the Shaanxi History Museum have also appeared "difficult to find a ticket". In response to the problems reported by tourists, provincial and municipal leaders at all levels and relevant departments attached great importance to them, and the Xi'an Municipal Public Security Bureau actively carried out investigations. After preliminary investigation, it was found that the situation of "one ticket is difficult to find" is mainly because the number of reserved tourists far exceeds the maximum daily reception capacity and the number of tickets issued to the scenic spot, but at the same time, there are also cases where individual criminals take advantage of this difference between supply and demand to resell scenic spot tickets to tourists to make a profit.

In response to the illegal scalping and sales of tickets, the Xi'an Municipal Public Security Bureau attached great importance to it, and immediately arranged police forces to carry out a 60-day special operation to crack down on illegal scalping and sale of tickets to scenic spots. At the same time, a crack police force was dispatched to set up a special case team to investigate and handle the "scalper" scalping case of the Shaanxi History Museum. Through days of unannounced visits, in-depth investigations, and meticulous research and investigation, the special case team targeted a group of "scalpers" led by Zang who specialized in reselling tickets to the Shaanxi History Museum and arrested them in one fell swoop.

According to the police investigation, since the Shaanxi History Museum is open to the public free of charge, visitors need to book tickets through the WeChat mini program after real-name registration, and a mobile phone number can reserve tickets for up to 1 people in the next 5 days at the same time. Some scalpers took the initiative to contact tourists, falsely claiming that there was a purchasing channel, but each ticket required a reservation service fee of 7 yuan to 50 yuan. After tourists pay the fee and provide their identity information, they take advantage of their familiarity with the booking system and links to "grab tickets" and resell them by using multiple mobile phone numbers to register for reservations. At the same time, some travel agencies took advantage of the convenience of signing a ticketing cooperation agreement with the Shaanxi History Museum to bundle the free tickets of the Shaanxi History Museum with other tourism route products, and increase the price of the free tickets in disguise.

It is reported that in the case of reselling tickets to the Shaanxi History Museum, the Yanta Branch of the Public Security Bureau detained a total of 4 criminal suspects and administratively punished 3 people. In addition, in this special operation, the Xi'an public security also arrested a number of suspects who resold tickets to other scenic spots, and detained one person and administratively punished one person according to law.

Xi'an police special reminder: Shaanxi History Museum is open to the public free of charge, and visitors can book tickets through their official official account and mini program after real-name registration, and there is no online purchase or collection of reservation service fees. Tickets for all major scenic spots in Xi'an are sold uniformly through official channels and offline, do not buy tickets through other unofficial channels, and beware of being deceived. When encountering illegal acts such as scalping, you should call 110 in time to report to the police. (End)