This year, the Stockholm Culture Festival is held in six different festival areas around the city where visitors can take part in different forms of culture.

Among other things, concerts are held where the main attraction this year is artists and bands such as Seinabo Sey, Jireel and Popsicle.

– Last year, 1.5 million visitors came to the festival, so of course we hope that we peak this year, says Sofie Almroth Ejmunds, one of the producers of the festival.

Increased threat to Sweden

While preparing for the festival, discussions about Sweden's security situation have escalated.

Sweden's national security adviser Henrik Landerholm announced on Sunday that there is an increased threat to Sweden after the recent Koran burnings in the country.

On the same day, the British Foreign Office also announced that the UK is changing its recommendations for travel to Sweden citing an increased risk of terrorist attacks.

"Calls for vigilance"

But there is no direct threat to the upcoming cultural festival, according to Ola Österling, press spokesperson at the police in Stockholm.

"The debate in society concerns the threatening activities against Swedish interests in general and we have not been reached by anyone. The Swedish Security Service has not presented any concrete threats to Stockholm or to the cultural festival, he says.

According to Ola Österling, the police, with the help of city officials and stewards, will ensure that all events can be carried out in accordance with the existing plan.

"But we also know that the public's eyes and ears are very important to us and therefore we urge normal vigilance.