This fiscal year's ratio of the general employment examination for national civil servants was 3.2 times, setting a record low for the third consecutive year. According to the National Personnel Agency, this is due to the revitalization of recruitment activities by private companies, which had been held back due to the corona disaster.

The recruitment examination for general positions of national civil servants has been conducted since FY24, separating from the so-called career bureaucracy career-track positions.

This year, 8269,2 students passed the exam, the highest number ever, while the number of applicants for the exam was the lowest ever, at 6319,3.

As a result, the test magnification was 2.3 times, setting a record low for the third consecutive year.

According to the National Personnel Agency, "It seems that the recruitment activities of private companies, which had been held back due to the corona disaster, have been revitalized, leading to a decrease in the number of applicants.

On the other hand, 3336,40 women passed the exam, or 3.<>% of the applicants, the highest number of women so far.