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Cat in the vending machine: Glass Prison

Photo: Björn Dönges

The animal was sitting in a compartment that was actually intended for snacks: In Finnentrop-Fehrenbracht, an entrepreneur freed a cat from a vending machine, according to consistent media reports.

A photo shows the grey tabby animal behind a pane of glass. In the compartment above the cat there are chips, in the one next to her a six-pack of beer.

A customer informed him about the incident, Björn Dönges told the portal "LokalPlus". He then took the cat out of its prison and provided it with food and water. He suspects that the perpetrators bought chips from the machine and then put the cat in the open compartment. The strangers had been filmed by surveillance cameras.

Possible violation of the Animal Welfare Act

Among other things, the »Westfalenpost« reports that the incident occurred on August 5. However, Dönges has only now gone public. "These are heartless animal abusers, because it can't have been a stupid boy prank," he said.

According to WDR and the "Bild" newspaper, the police are investigating the case. The Animal Welfare Act – to which Dönges also refers – states that no one may inflict pain, suffering or harm on an animal "without reasonable cause".
