On the 15th, the day of the end of the war, His Majesty the Emperor of Japan attended the National War Memorial Service with the Empress and expressed his wishes for peace and the happiness of the people.

On the 78th, the 15th anniversary of the end of World War II, Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan attended the National War Memorial Service held at the Japan Budokan in Tokyo.

At the memorial service, everyone offered a moment of silence along with the noon time signal, and His Majesty the Emperor gave his words.

His Majesty the Emperor began by saying, "I would like to renew my deep sorrow for the many people who lost their irreplaceable lives and their bereaved families in the last World War."

He said, "I sincerely hope that we will all work together to continue to pursue peace and happiness for the future."

He concluded, "Reflecting on the long years of peace since the end of World War II, looking back on the past and standing on the basis of deep remorse, I earnestly hope that the horrors of war will not be repeated again, and together with all the people of Japan, I express my heartfelt condolences to those who fell in the ravages of war scattered on the battlefield, and pray for world peace and the further development of Japan."

Full text of His Majesty the Emperor's words

Today, on the occasion of "Day to Commemorate the War Dead and Pray for Peace," I would like to renew my deep sorrow for the many people who lost their irreplaceable lives in the last World War and their bereaved families.

In the 78 years since the end of World War II, the peace and prosperity of Japan today have been built through the tireless efforts of the people, and I am deeply moved when I think of the path that the people have taken, which has been filled with many hardships.

I sincerely hope that we will all continue to unite our hearts and continue to pursue peace and people's happiness into the future.

Here, while thinking about the long years of peace since the end of World War II, looking back on the past and standing on the basis of deep remorse, I earnestly hope that the horrors of war will not be repeated again, and together with all the people of Japan, I express my heartfelt condolences to those who fell in the ravages of war scattered on the battlefield, and pray for world peace and the further development of Japan.