Marie Gicquel, edited by Loane Nader // photo credit: YouTube screenshot / K.S BlooM 17:11 pm, August 15, 2023

As every year, on August 15, millions of Christians celebrate the Virgin Mary on the occasion of the Assumption, making liturgical songs resound in all the churches of France. But this is not the only way to give glory to the mother of Jesus for many young people, who remix these old songs with more contemporary sounds, such as rap or electro.

Singing the Ave Maria on an electro background, an idea that can make you smile, but that nevertheless seduces more and more Christians. And if this day of the Assumption made the traditional liturgical songs to the glory of the Virgin Mary resonate in the churches of France, it also vibrated the sound systems of Christian DJs. So it's time to dust off!

The last WYD in Portugal, where crowds of young pilgrims danced and sang in rhythm with the remixes of the DJ and especially Father Guilherme, are the perfect example. Thus, he alternates between electro music, prayers and messages from Pope Francis. The latter is also very present on social networks and gathers nearly 230,000 subscribers.

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If you enjoyed discovering Father Guilherme, you will surely like Father Aurélien Saniko and this quantum, which has gone viral on the social network TikTok and that you have surely already heard. This Cameroonian priest on mission in Belgium is at the origin of the playful revival of the song How not to rent you, released 10 years ago.

@mundo_tv_on Father Aurélien Bollevis Saniko: @aurelienpolis How can we not praise you, Lord Jesus! How to #aurelienSaniko #commentnepastelo♬ original sound Flavien.M - mundo_tv_on

>> READ ALSO - WYD: a last vigil under the stars for young Catholics

Ave Maria by rapper Tupac

As you can see, this song has been reshared hundreds of thousands of times by Internet users, whether they are believers or simply appreciate its contagious good mood. But the other trend is gospel rap, worn for a time by American rapper Kanye West. Today, he is embodied by the Ivorian rapper KS Bloom, the most listened to francophone artist in 2021 on YouTube.

These videos have accumulated more than 100 million views and the musician has just released his second album last June. But rappers have not been inspired by God recently: before Kanye West, Tupac already seized a liturgical song, the famous Hail Mary.

It now remains to be seen which other musical genres will combine with songs and lyrics giving glory to God!