Baoding, 8 August (ZXS) -- After the flood, Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, began to restore farming

Authors: Niu Lin, Zhao Danmei, Zhai Yujia

On August 8, some time after the flood waters had receded half a month ago, the sky had cleared and the air was still humid and hot. Unable to completely "clean up" the flood-soaked house, Li Jingshan rushed down to the land to restore the land where some of his soil moisture reached the cultivation conditions.

"Taking advantage of the good weather in the past two days, I planted 4 acres of cabbage yesterday, and today I am ready to sow another 3 acres." The 63-year-old villager of Xiaobaozizhuang Village, Diowo Town, Zhuozhou City, owns 12 acres of arable land, of which 8 acres of corn were badly damaged in the flood. ”

On August 8, in Xiaobaozizhuang Village, Diowo Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, villager Li Jingshan's cultivated land began to be restored. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhai Yujia

Zhuozhou City is located in the northwest of the North China Plain, with flat terrain and fertile land, a permanent population of more than 60,70, and a sown area of more than 7,29 mu of grain crops. Flooding caused by extremely heavy rainfall from July 8 to August 1 affected more than 47,28600 people in the town and damaged more than <>,<> hectares of crops.

Xiaoleozizhuang Village in Diaowo Town was one of the hardest-hit villages. "The corn was just about to grow strong, and the flood came, and the water in the ground was one meter and five deep, and in some places the corn tops were not overcome." Li Wei, secretary of the party branch of Xiaobaozizhuang Village in Diaowo Town, said that all 6700 mu of arable land in the village where corn and other crops were planted were flooded.

On August 8, in Xiaobaozizhuang Village, Diowo Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, villager Li Jingshan's cultivated land began to be restored. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhai Yujia

Recultivation began on the afternoon of August 8. "As long as there is a little hope, everyone will not give up, they are all producing self-help, and they can save as much as they can." Li Wei said: At present, the village has restored more than 11 mu of farmland, and as long as the moisture condition is suitable, it will rush to plant it.

"Right now, you can plant another cabbage with a ripening period of 80 days, so that after harvesting the cabbage, you can still plant winter wheat." What makes Li Wei feel a little more at ease is that the village committee has collectively taken out crop insurance for the farmers who grow corn, and the damaged farmers can obtain certain compensation from the insurance company.

On August 8, at the agricultural material collection and distribution center of Zhuozhou City Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Hebei Province, an agricultural material distribution vehicle loaded with 15 tons of winter wheat seeds arrived here, and workers were unloading the truck. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhai Yujia

At that time, at the agricultural materials collection and distribution center of Zhuozhou City Supply and Marketing Cooperative, at 6 o'clock in the morning, an agricultural material distribution vehicle loaded with 34 tons of winter wheat seeds arrived here, and the workers were busy unloading and putting them into storage.

"At peak times, four or five large trucks like this come in every day, carrying more than 100 tons of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides." Yu Weiguang, head of the agricultural materials collection and distribution center of Zhuozhou Supply and Marketing Cooperative, said that more than 30% of the stored agricultural materials were damaged due to flooding, and it is now an important period for autumn preparation, and they are rushing to replenish stocks.

As the largest local agricultural materials distribution center, the agricultural material collection and distribution center of Zhuozhou Supply and Marketing Cooperatives radiates to 11 townships and large farms and large planters under the jurisdiction of Zhuozhou, and sales directly reach the terminal. "The end of September to the beginning of October is the local winter wheat planting season, and we only have one month to deliver agricultural inputs. About 9 million kilograms of seeds, more than 10,200 tons of fertilizer, and 5000 tons of pesticides need to be distributed. ”

What relieved Yu Weiguang was that the current supply of agricultural materials is sufficient and the distribution network is smooth, "which can meet the needs of farmers."

For the corn planting area that was lightly affected and drained quickly, plant protection operations are also being carried out intensively. Yu Weiguang said that they are mainly responsible for the two townships of Songlindian Town and Gaoguanzhuang Town in Zhuozhou City, spraying corn with fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers to improve its stress resistance, avoid root rot and dry leaves caused by blisters, and strive to increase corn yield after the disaster.

"The plant protection drone corn spray and three-prevention operation area in these two townships covers an area of more than 2000,<> mu, and it is still in continuous operation." Yu Weiguang said.

For farmers like Li Jingshan, irrigation is a top priority. "After planting Chinese cabbage, it is necessary to water regularly before emergence, and if the soil is dry, the seeds are prone to germination and dead seedlings." The good news is that in Xiaoleozizhuang Village, Diowo Town, where Li Jingshan is located, electricity has been rushed, and the machine wells in the field can be irrigated.

"I didn't expect to connect water and electricity so quickly, and a few days later, the cabbage would miss the sowing period." Li Jingshan, who has worked with the land for more than 40 years, believes that "the soil moisture has recovered quickly, and there should be a good harvest next year." (End)