【Long knowledge】

◎ This newspaper reporter epic

Affected by Typhoon Du Surui, there was heavy rain or heavy rain in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and other places last week, and there are exceptionally heavy rainstorms in local areas. Continuous rainfall and humid air made the washed wet clothes dry in the shade. Some netizens complained that dry clothes always have a stink.

So, why do dry clothes smell? How to remove odor from clothes? The reporter interviewed relevant experts about this.

"The weather is changeable in summer, and in the face of continuous rainy days, after washing our clothes, we can only hang them in the shade to slowly dry, but dry clothes often have a smell, which is related to the breeding of microorganisms." Han Xiaole, deputy director and associate professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the School of Chemistry and Materials Science of South Central University for Nationalities, said in an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily.

After washed clothing, 20% of stains are usually left behind, including bacteria and sebum. In a dry, sunny environment, clothes can be dried quickly, and bacteria will not grow exponentially.

"However, it is different on warm and humid rainy days, and the clothes with residual stains are like natural bacterial breeding petri dishes, and the bacteria hidden in the corners of the gaps in the clothes multiply in large numbers at the right humidity and temperature, which will produce acidic substances such as propionic acid, making the clothes smell sour." Han Xiaole said.

So, how can you remove the odor of dry clothes?

"If you are in a hurry to put on clothes, you can put them in a bag, turn on the hair dryer and blow it in cold air for 15 minutes to remove the odor. You can also put clothes in a place with plenty of water vapor, such as the bathroom that has just taken a bath, and the water vapor can quickly penetrate into the inner layer of the clothes, effectively removing the odor on the clothes. Han Xiaole said.

In addition, if the odor on the clothes is stubborn, they can be re-washed and dried. Moldy spots on clothing can be removed by different methods, such as soaking clothes in rice water or using alcohol solutions, hot soapy water, etc. to scrub clothes.