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Sticker remnants in Burg im Spreewald

Photo: Amt Burg (Spreewald) / dpa

It is a sign against right-wing extremism: Several volunteers from Burg im Spreewald have removed racist and inhuman stickers in the city. Hundreds of stickers had been taken from street lamps, street signs and wastebaskets, among other things, said a spokeswoman for the city administration.

For the campaign "With heart and spatula against hate", a citizens' initiative had contacted several associations.

According to the city administration, it can be assumed that the "lanterns will unfortunately not stay clean for long". Therefore, the inhabitants are asked to "open their eyes, to permanently take over the sponsorship for their own street front and to remove the stickers in front of their own front door".

Burg caused a nationwide sensation in April. At that time, the teachers Max Teske and Laura Nickel had made public in an incendiary letter that they were confronted with right-wing extremism, sexism and homophobia on a daily basis at their school in the community in the Spreewald. They left school and justified this with hostility from the right-wing scene.
