Beijing, 8 Aug (ZXS) -- Visiting Beijing's Fangshan Shidu: Stepping Up Recovery and Reconstruction and Restarting Tourism on the Premise of Safety

China News Agency reporter Xu Jing

"Tourism is the pillar industry of Shidu Town, and we are actively connecting with Chaoyang District, which is paired to help Shidu Town, and at the same time mobilizing our own forces to restore and rebuild, and strive to carry out tourism projects and activities under the premise of safety as soon as possible." Yu Yunfei, mayor of Shidu Town, Fangshan District, Beijing, said in an interview with the China News Agency.

From July 7 to August 29, Beijing was hit by a heavy rainstorm, and Fangshan District was one of the areas with the most serious losses of life and property. On August 8, a reporter from the China News Agency walked into Shidu Town, southwest of Fangshan District, and saw that on both sides of the Zhuma River, the wheels of many cars were still deeply mired in mud; Most of the houses on the roadside have signs of damage, and some have been washed away; Outside the houses that are still accessible, villagers wipe the surviving furniture with clean water.

August 8, Shidu Village, Shidu Town, Fangshan District, Beijing. Photo by China News Agency reporter Xu Jing

Yu Yunfei said that the heavy rainfall caused the water level of the main channel and tributary of the Zhuma River to rise sharply, and the houses on both sides of the river were flooded and flooded. According to preliminary statistics, 145 houses and 1950,21 water crossings in Shidu Town collapsed, affecting more than 1,1 people in <> villages in the town.

After several days of emergency repairs, the road in Shidu Town has basically been unblocked. As of August 8, the town has sufficient drinking water, food and other materials, and the people's livelihood has been basically guaranteed.

In the village committee of Shidu Village, Shidu Town, boxes of materials in the courtyard have been built into a "wall". Qi Xiaohu, director of the villagers' committee, said that Shidu Village has set up five resettlement sites, and "on July 5 and 7, the village committee transferred more than 29 people to the resettlement sites in two batches. By the time the floodwaters had receded, there had been no casualties in Shidu Village. ”

August 8, Shidu Village, Shidu Town, Fangshan District, Beijing. Workers laying temporary water pipes. Photo by China News Agency reporter Xu Jing

On the afternoon of the 9th, the resettlement site closest to the village committee of Shidu Village was laying temporary water pipes. Qi Xiaohu said that there are 91 villagers in the settlement, most of them elderly, and in addition to distributing boxed lunches, staff can also provide rice porridge and noodles for the elderly. If you need medical attention, you will be transferred to a nearby community health service center.

"At present, the power supply of most households in the village has been restored, and the task of connecting the entire village to water will be completed within three days." He said.

Because of its close proximity to Ma'angou, Ma'an Village in Shidu Town lost contact after the flood situation. On August 8, Wang Youshan, director of the villagers' committee, wrote down the village's losses, ongoing work and urgently needed supplies, and handed them to the town by firefighters who entered the village to repair it. On the 2rd, the village committee received a satellite phone to contact the outside world, and Wang Youshan went to the town to report the current situation.

"The problems mentioned in the letter have basically been resolved." Wang Youshan told reporters on the 9th that in the past few days, most areas of the village have been supplied with water, electricity and gas, and villagers can already cook at home. On the 3rd, the village organized villagers to repair the damaged water pipes and remove the silt from the streets.

After the rain stopped, the villagers of Ma'an village built hope with their actions. Liu Dianlai, 65, told reporters that he lived in a permanent shelter built after the July 2012 heavy rainstorm in Beijing in 7, and after confirming the safety of the house, he joined the disaster relief work on August 21. ”

Beijing's overall planning and comprehensive recovery and reconstruction are "basic recovery in one year, comprehensive improvement in three years, and long-term sustainable development". Fangshan District has strengthened the supply of living materials for the disaster-stricken people in deep mountainous areas, stepped up the safety appraisal of water-fed houses, and organized people to return home in an orderly manner on the premise of meeting safety regulations and doing a good job in sanitize. If the house is identified as needing repair or reconstruction, solve the temporary housing problem, and introduce a support policy for house repair or reconstruction as soon as possible.

Liu Dianlai's neighborhood was already open to water, and in the evening, lights were lit up in the rooms on the lower floors. After finishing the day's road work, he was ready to go home for dinner. "In the past few days, I have received cabbage, radish and other vegetables distributed by the village, and the dinner prepared by my lover is braised noodles." He said. (End)