Beijing, August 8 (Zhongxin Net) -- On the 12th, the winning works of the 11th Mao Dun Literature Award were announced, and the winning works were Yang Zhijun's "Snow Mountain and Earth", Qiao Ye's "Baoshui", Liu Liangcheng's "Bemba", Sun Ganlu's "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" and "Echoes" of East and West.

Among these five works, the five writers lead people into the far-reaching literary world with their own unique creative styles and methods.

The theme of man and nature runs throughout

For many readers, Yang Zhijun's name is not unfamiliar. He is a famous contemporary writer, and is the author of the novels "Collapse Around the Lake", "The Sea Recedes Yesterday", "The Great Compassion Plain", "Tibetan Mastiff" and so on.

"Snowy Mountain Earth". Photo courtesy of Writers Press.

"Snow Mountains and Earth" is Yang Zhijun's realistic work. After the best-selling book "Tibetan Mastiff", he set his sights back on the vast wilderness of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, writing about the great changes of the times in the high-altitude region and the spiritual path of the grassland herders.

The novel reflects the magnificent historical process in which the Chinese Communists led the Tibetan people in Qinghai to struggle hard for more than half a century to bring about the vicissitudes of change on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The themes of man and nature, man and animals, ecology and development run throughout, showing the changes in the traditional social form and life style of Tibetan herders in a panoramic manner.

Yang Zhijun once sincerely expressed that he hopes that the story of the snowy mountains and land can be told to more people, "I hope that the love of nature is also the love of the human heart, and in the vast hometown of thick soil, it will continue to be passed on from generation to generation." ”

"Snowy Mountains and Land" has also been recognized by the literary community. Literary critic He Shaojun once commented that the novel not only has a strong sense of distress in the face of grassland problems, but also has unconcealable passion and optimism in words that truly reflect the grassland people's problems solving problems and building a new grassland.

"Put the most important part of yourself"

When you talk about the countryside, what comes to mind? Is it a quiet summer night, or a babbling stream?

Novel "Treasure Water". Photo courtesy of the publisher

The novel "Baoshui" tells such a story: Di Qingping, who is middle-aged, is trapped by severe insomnia, and after early retirement, he came from Xiangcheng to Baoshui Village to help a friend run a homestay.

She deeply participated in the specific affairs of the village with complex emotions, witnessed the rich and profound transformation of the countryside in the context of the new era, and gradually healed her own dullness, and finally took root in Baoshui Village.

The whole work vividly presents the great changes taking place in the Chinese countryside, and the four chapters are like a long scroll, telling the current rural life in the sequence of four seasons.

Baoshui, this small village that is both virtual and real, is a long-lost Chinese village in literature, and those simple people diverge and derive many fresh and vivid stories.

The author of "Baoshui" is the writer Qiao Ye. Some people say that it is not surprising that Qiao Ye won the Mao Dun Literature Award, her writing is very solid and condensed, and she has authored many works such as "The Slowest is Alive" and "Mind Wandering", and has won many awards such as the Lu Xun Literature Award.

For this novel, Qiao Ye also wrote that the biggest reward is that "in this novel, I have placed the most important part of myself." ”

Dreamy philosophies in words

In terms of content and narrative style, the text of the novel "Bemba" is full of dreamy philosophy.

Novel "Bemba". Photo courtesy of the publisher

Set against the backdrop of the Mongolian heroic epic "Jangal", it traces the lost childhood of mankind and tells an ancient and novel story, shaping a Bemba world where there is no aging, no death, and everyone lives at the age of twenty-five.

Through three games controlled by dreams, "Bemba" shadows the endless fear and wonder in chasing and being chased, hiding and hiding, dreaming and waking, and finally connecting with distant ancestors and the not-so-distant real world through dreams.

Liu Liangcheng once said that the encounter with the epic of Jiangger was an important opportunity, "The epic gave me a huge space for dreams, which is a vast land. I need to go through the vast and dense verses of Jangal and create enough time to create a novel outside of epic time. ”

Sketch the muscles and bones of an era

Sun Ganlu is a representative writer of contemporary Chinese avant-garde literature, and his novel "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" returns to reality and writes a little-known but thrilling real revolutionary historical story that took place in Shanghai in the 20s of the 30th century.

The novel is set in the 1933 strategic shift of the Party Central Committee in Shanghai, and the related actions are codenamed "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", from which a thrilling story of struggle unfolds.

Book cover of the novel "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains". Photo courtesy of the publisher

"A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" is fast-paced, and the opening tells the story of the meeting of the underground action group being sabotaged by the enemy, taking the reader step by step into the orbit of the dark war. Prisons, clinics... In the scene transformation and story layout, a vivid group portrait of the characters is created.

A writer once commented on "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains": majestic and exquisitely structured, a few strokes delineating the muscles and bones of an era and the souls of several idealists.

This kind of writing is also an unforgettable experience for Sun Ganlu. He once wrote, "The era in which this story took place has gradually passed, and those martyrs who were incognito, those who were born and died under pseudonyms or nicknames, have been laid to rest." ”

"The purpose of remembering them, recording their deeds, and passing them on for a long time is inherent in the structure of civilization, stretching endlessly, and ordinary people working in the fields and between cities should be remembered with gratitude when they wipe their sweat." He said.

Unravel the puzzles of human nature

"'Echoes' really has something to say and discover about human nature and its contemporaneity, and at the same time it is a novel expressed in a complex and ironic way by a novelist." This is what critics say about the novel "Echoes".

"Echoes" book cover. Photo courtesy of People's Literature Publishing House

Its author Dong is considered to be one of the "post-60s" powerful writers, the novel language is concise, accurate and round, "Echo" is the fourth novel of Dong Dong after "Slap Loud", "Regret" and "Tampered Life".

By telling the process of case detection, the work turns the detection of murder into the internal driving force of narrative, and uncovers the hidden past and human nature puzzles in the tight rhythm, stripped logical deduction, and detailed and meticulous psychological analysis.

Perhaps it is precisely because of these characteristics that after the novel was published, it has successively appeared on important literary lists such as the annual long novel list of the China Novel Society, won the People's Literature Annual Long Novel Award, and won the 2021 "China Good Book" Award. (End)