Hangzhou, August 8 (Zhongxin Net) -- "This is the most satisfactory ID photo I have ever taken. Ms. Fang, a citizen of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, who lost her wallet, took a photo by herself and got a replacement ID card, driver's license and citizen card. She sighed, "It's so convenient to get all the ID photos at once!" Behind this time-saving and labor-saving "most beautiful ID photo" is the continuous deepening of the reform of Zhejiang's top ten practical construction matters for people's livelihood in 11.

The scene of the press briefing. Photo by Wang Xiaojing

"At present, the city's public security organs include 169 window points for entry-exit, household registration, and traffic management, and the electronic photos collected have been shared between public security police branches, effectively improving the efficiency of social services." On the 11th, at the news briefing of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Organ's "one-window through-shooting, global application", Li Min, director of the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of the city's Public Security Bureau, introduced.

Among them, the development of Zhejiang Province's first "Zhejiang Li Photo" APP mobile phone application, to realize the multi-dimensional collection of photos "public security network, government affairs network, Internet" three networks, and synchronously promote cross-scene application of the Yuhang District of Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, has become a "window" to see this reform.

Walk into the public security comprehensive service center of the administrative service center of the district. There is not only a traditional portrait collection room, but also a new "online" self-service photo area, with mobile phones, mirrors, fill lights and other photo aids with beauty functions to meet the needs of different people.

"Taking ID photos may seem like a trivial matter, but it is an indispensable and important part of the certification process." Gong Meili, head of the window of the Yuhang District Health Bureau in Hangzhou, said that many doctors and nurses need to provide photos when registering their certificates, and in the past, they had to find a place to take pictures, and the time cost increased when they came and went.

It is reported that in recent years, Yuhang public security has focused on mobile phone shooting, reshaped the whole process of public security ID photo collection, storage and application, and developed the "Zhejiang Li Pai" intelligent ID photo system to achieve "self-shooting, self-picking, until satisfied", the system has been put into trial operation in "Zhejiang Li Office", "Zhejiang Government Nail" and Alipay.

"Zhejiang Li Photo" smart ID photo. Photo by Wang Xiaojing

"At present, Yuhang District has built 13 public security and government service windows, so that people who come to the window to do things have more choices and better experience. The average photo shooting speed has increased by 5% from the original 1 minutes to the current 80 minute, effectively saving administrative and social costs. Yu Zhongming, deputy director of the Yuhang District of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, said that up to now, the district has taken more than 377.113 million portrait photos and served more than <>.<> million people.

At present, Zhejiang is fully promoting the "Three No. 1 Project". The reform of "one-window photography and all-round application" has also become the epitome of Hangzhou public security organs escorting high-quality economic development.

"There is an increasing demand for enterprises in the jurisdiction to carry out cross-border business negotiations and business interactions, and to handle passports, Hong Kong and Macao permits and other related businesses." Liu Jingjing, a police officer of the exit-entry (household administration) brigade of the Yuhang District Bureau, said that through the blessing of "one-window auction", the processing period of enterprises has been shortened from the original 20-day processing period for ordinary licenses to the fastest 3 days.

According to reports, since the beginning of this year, Hangzhou public security organs have handled a total of 74,1 entry and exit documents for mainland residents, and the total number of passports and Hong Kong and Macao permits has remained the same as the same period in 2019, of which more than 15400,<> business entry and exit documents have been processed. At the same time, it has successively launched a special night session for high school entrance examination students, the elderly and minors, as well as enterprises to apply for entry and exit documents, to continuously improve the satisfaction and sense of gain of the public. (End)