Richest woman in the country: BMW heiress Susanne Klatten is the owner of Altana

Photo: Kay Nietfeld/ picture alliance / dpa

Specialty chemicals company Altana has reached an agreement with the main shareholders and management of Von Roll Holding to purchase 84.3 percent of the outstanding shares at a price of 0.86 Swiss francs per share. At the same price, the company announces a public tender offer for all shares of Von Roll Holding, making Altana the majority shareholder of the Swiss company.

The string-pullers behind the deal are Clair AG, through which the German von Finck entrepreneurial family holds a majority stake in Von Roll, and the German Altana subsidiary Elantas. Altana is owned by SKion, the investment company owned by entrepreneur and BMW heiress Susanne Klatten (60). According to manager-magazin research, the richest woman in the country does not manage any of her holdings operationally, but she is considered an active, knowledgeable and critical member of the supervisory board at BMW and Altana.

Richest woman in the country continues to shop

It is true that Klatten inherited the origin of her fortune from her father Herbert Quandt, who died in 1982; since then, however, she has been able to multiply her fortune and take on a much more active role than was usual in her family until then. Now she continues to shop.

Von Roll was founded in 1823, making it one of the most traditional companies in Switzerland. Today, the former iron company is driving the energy transition. For example, the company is one of the world leaders in electrical insulation systems used in wind turbines. In the 2022 financial year, Von Roll generated net sales of 227.7 million Swiss francs (236.2 million euros). The Swiss company is represented worldwide with 14 locations and around 1,000 employees.

"With this acquisition, Altana wants to strengthen its innovative strength," says Altana CEO Martin Babilas. In this way, the company aims to generate more growth through targeted acquisitions and drive the expansion of electromobility and renewable energies.

The roots of the Altana Group go back to 1873. Today, the specialty chemicals company employs around 7,000 people worldwide. In 2022, Altana generated sales of more than 3 billion euros. Of this, about 7 percent is invested in research and development every year. This makes the company one of the most innovative and fastest-growing chemical companies in the world.
