The successful operation of the reserve well in Sanfu Village, Hebei Town, Fangshan, means that the town's roads, water, electricity and communication have been restored

Secretary of Hebei Town: Welcome to see the scenery again after the reconstruction

Affected by heavy rainfall and flooding, 19 villages and 3 communities in Hebei Town, Fangshan District, were once cut off from water, electricity, and communications, and roads were blocked. On August 8, the reserve well in Sanfu Village, Hebei Town, was successfully operated, and the water supply demand of the whole village was fully guaranteed, which was also the last village in the town to complete the work of "four links and one guarantee". This means that the whole town of Hebei Town, Fangshan District, which was seriously affected by the torrential rain and flood, has completed the restoration of roads, water, electricity and communications, and the supply of materials has also met the basic living needs of the affected residents. Liu Xuejun, Party Secretary of Hebei Town, said: "The next focus has shifted to post-disaster reconstruction, reshaping industries and rebuilding homes. ”

Open the lifeline Relief supplies are brought in

Since July 7, all townships in Fangshan District have suffered this round of heavy rainfall, and the Hebei Town Government Station has been hit by floods, and 30 villages and 19 communities in the town have been lost one after another. Lu Lei, a villager in Hedong Village, Hebei Town, recalled to reporters what happened a few days ago: "Communication is broken, roads are not open to traffic, and many cars in the village are broken, and there is no way to communicate with the outside world." ”

On August 8, Hebei Town quickly established the Hebei Town Flood Prevention and Disaster Relief Temporary Headquarters, the first of which was "four links and one guarantee". Liu Xuejun said: "This task is directly related to the lives of ordinary people, and only when the road is through is the lifeline, and rescue and materials can come in." ”

In the morning of the same day, Hebei Town successfully opened the passage of National Highway 108, Shihuadong Bridge and Liangsan Road, opening up the first road connecting with the urban area, ensuring the entry of follow-up support forces and the passage of material transportation.

Opening up the lifeline is a kind of "two-way rush", and the stranded villages are also doing their best to save themselves and rush to repair roads. "We are in the village, the support team is on the road, one to break out, the other to rush in, together to open the rescue channel." Since the flood, Wang Yong, the branch secretary of Sanfu Village in Hebei Town, has not returned home, and he has been taking the villagers to clear the road for several days, "The silt has accumulated on my waist, this road is not passable, the rescue vehicles cannot enter, we have to help, we have to save ourselves." The bridge connecting the eastern and western villages was also filled with silt and garbage because of the heavy rain, Wang Yong said: "The dredging has not been interrupted, and now the roads in the village are basically open to traffic, rescue vehicles can enter and exit, and the supply of materials is completely guaranteed." ”

Homes are lit up, and mountain villages are revitalized

Sanfu village was cut off from water and electricity on the morning of July 7, and Zhang Chunhong, a member of the village committee, recalled: "The electricity was cut off in the morning, and then there was no water. "Sanfu village relies on a well for water supply, but the pumps require electricity.

"When the electricity is cut off, the water is naturally cut off, and after that, even the well is washed away by the water." Zhang Chunhong said: "Without water, many villagers can only run to pick up the rainwater running down the mountain. ”

Zhang Chunhong, also a geological hazard inspector in Sanfu Village, used a radio to alert vulnerable villagers to evacuate during heavy rainfall, saying: "At that time, there was still electricity, and I shouted through the radio to tell them to quickly withdraw from their homes and go to a high place." As soon as I finished shouting, the power was cut off. ”

After the power outage, the sound of the village was gradually drowned out by the flood, and only the sound of water remained. "The water has not crossed the bridge deck, and several families are at risk of disaster." Zhang Chunhong, along with several village committee cadres, waded across the bridge to evacuate villagers. She recalled: "At that time, the water was already up to the waist, and there was a villager in a wheelchair, and the water rushed over, and he couldn't push it, and we ended up with three people carrying the villagers out alive. ”

Zhang Chunhong, 60 years old this year and experienced the "heavy rainstorm on July 7", said: "This time it was heavier than the rain at that time, but we definitely did more preparation than then." ”

On August 8, Sanfu Village was finally electrified. According to Hebei town government staff, since August 7, the power system in Fangshan District has been repaired day and night, and generators have been distributed to some villages and temporary power supply points have been set up. "As of August 8, all villages and communities in Hebei Town have been electrified."

The lights were lit up again at night in the countryside, which had fallen into dead silence during the flood. On the evening of August 8, when the reporter passed through Hebei Town, the lights were lit up in places where there were people's homes, and they were revitalized.

After the "four links and one guarantee," reconstruction after disasters has become the center of gravity

"At present, we have solved the draft water problem of 400 villagers, and the draft problem of a small number of villagers needs to be solved quickly." Wang Yong took the assessors to the village to discuss the location of a new well, and at the same time, the village used a backup pump to replace the pump to ensure that the villagers on the right bank of Sanfu Village had water to eat.

Xie Cai, a staff member of the Fangshan Water Bureau, who is in charge of the emergency repair of the water pump in Sanfu Village, said: "This work cannot be delayed, and these two days are from morning to night. "In the small space of the water room, the heat emitted by the operation of the machine is nowhere to be discharged, and the temperature is at least 40 degrees Celsius. Xie Cai said: "It's too hot, sweat always drips into my eyes." ”

As of August 8, the village has been connected to water after the repair and installation of the backup water pump has been completed. Previously, Hebei Town has basically restored Unicom, telecommunications, and mobile signals, and since then, the whole town of Hebei Town has completed the work of "four links and one guarantee". With roads, electricity and communications, supplies are immediately no longer scarce, and outside aid continues to flow. Liu Xuejun told reporters: "As of August 10, the town has received a total of 8,8 boxes of various daily necessities, which have been distributed to various villages and communities in an orderly manner, and the villagers' living materials are currently guaranteed." After the realization of 'four links and one guarantee', our next focus will become post-disaster reconstruction, and we hope that Hebei Town will have great changes and development in the future." ”

When the reporter left Sanfu Village, every household was lit up, and the night was no longer worrying. However, Wang Yong still did not have time to return home, and he drove a patrol car to deliver water to the dredging engineering team, "People are helping our village, we have to do what we can." ”

Originally, Sanfu Village in Hebei Town along the bank of the Dashi River is a well-known camping net red place, beautiful scenery, many city people come to admire, the tents by the river, support people's romantic imagination of camping life. Wang Yong said: "Now that the flood has flooded this area, you can't see the original appearance at all, I hope it can be slowly restored in the future, and after rebuilding your home, everyone is welcome to come to our village to see the scenery." ”

Beijing News reporter Chen Lu