The expected concert of the singer Lola Indigo, scheduled for 00.00 on Thursday night and had summoned almost 3,000 people, was going to open the performances in the festivities of San Lorenzo de Huesca.

But, due to technical problems, it was suspended and a notary took minutes of what happened moments after the promoter decided to cancel the performance.

From there, there has been a cross of accusations between the singer and municipal officials to the point that the City Council of the capital of Huesca has taken legal action against the promoter of the concert.

The mayor of Huesca, Lorena Orduna, has declared this Friday that responsibilities will be asked for this circumstance and legal measures will be taken because Huesca cannot allow "this lack of respect".

The concert, first of the program of the Fiestas de San Lorenzo, was scheduled to start at 00.00 hours on the esplanade outside the Palacio de Congresos.

Thousands of people waited in vain for more than an hour, but the concert could not take place because the promoter company alleged sound problems on the large screen that is placed on the stage.

In statements to the media, the mayor explained that they were told "relatively late" that "there was an incident and that the artist refused to act because of some technical problem on the screen."

The technical managers of the Huesca consistory had verified that it was a screen that had been used in the Monegros Desert Festival and worked, but the artist "refused to act in Huesca".

On the municipal side, they tried to find a solution, but, as explained by the mayor of Huesca, the artist was inaccessible at all times and they could not talk to her, yes with the manager, through the phone, since "she was not even in Huesca".

Hate messages

In her Twitter account, Lola Indigo has indicated that she will not allow "after what happened last night lies to be told to exculpate herself and that disappointment and hate messages come to us."

He explains that his team "spent the whole afternoon trying to save the ass of the concert organizers, who hired a cheap supplier who installed materials in poor conditions that did not meet the technical requirements we communicated months ago."

He adds that his technicians, "who are professionals, were there all day and I waited in the dressing room hoping they would fix it until the end. No one from the city council came to talk to me."

Given the doubts that the artist had moved to Huesca, Indigo explains that "there are photos on Instagram that we took while we waited in the dressing room".

In addition, it indicates that the police cars "that they say were to escort me were to escort the charges of the City Council." "I have nothing to be escorted for, there is a contract that determines that if they do not meet the technical requirements the 'show' cannot be done."

On the other hand, the singer replies to the City Council that "there are no possible legal actions. In any case, the ones that we can take for the insults and ingratitude towards a team that left the skin all day to fix all the problems and help some people who this morning have decided to turn their backs on us to wash their hands. "

Lola Indigo ends her writing with this message: "People of Huesca, we went there for you and we will return for you".

  • music