Hangzhou, August 8 (Bao Mengni) "As a takeaway brother, I will publicize more civilized travel and garbage does not land in the takeaway brother group, hoping that more people will contribute to the Asian Games." On August 11, Peng Qinglin, the "good man of Hangzhou" and the little brother who jumped off the bridge to save people, came to the "Yinchao Asian Games Civilization Station" in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, which was his first appearance after becoming a volunteer of the "Love Hangzhou City" Hangzhou Asian Games City.

On August 8, Peng Qinglin, a volunteer of Hangzhou Asian Games City, presented herbal tea to citizens. Photo by Bao Mengni

On June 6, Peng Qinglin, who was delivering the goods, jumped from the Xixing Bridge in Hangzhou and suffered a compression fracture of the thoracic spine when he rescued the woman who fell into the water. "I went to the hospital for a review yesterday and recovered quite well!" Peng Qinglin was excited and excited after confirming his basic recovery, and immediately joined the volunteer service.

Publicize the knowledge of civilized viewing of the Asian Games, help surrounding residents sign up for Asian Games city volunteers, and send "love herbal tea"... The hot summer did not stop Peng Qinglin's footsteps. In his opinion, civilization is a trifle to raise your hand.

"For example, wearing a helmet when cycling, driving without looking at your phone, and slowing down when cornering, these are all important things that we often overlook. I hope everyone can travel safely and civilly. Peng Qinglin said.

In fact, Peng Qinglin personally helped the Asian Games before jumping off the bridge to save people. For example, he places cigarette butt boxes on takeaway electric vehicles to ease the burden on sanitation workers.

On August 8, Peng Qinglin and volunteers picked up cigarette butts. Photo by Bao Mengni

Now, as a "new Hangzhou native", he is very proud of the upcoming Hangzhou Asian Games.

"This is the game on your doorstep." Peng Qinglin, who loves cycling, said that he plans to ride more than 200 kilometers with friends to Qiandao Lake to watch the Asian Games bicycle competition and cheer for the Asian Games on the spot. (End)