【Commentary】Recently, the Hangzhou Binjiang District Civil Affairs Bureau recruited a "multi-generational building" companion pension project that has aroused widespread concern in the society. It is reported that in order to attract companions, especially young people who have just joined the work, they only need to accompany the elderly for no less than 10 hours per month, and the pension institution provides free apartment standard rooms.

【Explanation】The project began pilot operation in 2019 to provide assistance to the elderly with a family mutual aid pension model. Companionship can not only meet the emotional needs of the elderly and solve some difficulties they encounter in life, but also save the cost of living for young companions and fully take care of the practical needs of the two age groups.

【During the same period】Leng Mei, deputy director of Binjiang Civil Affairs Elderly Care Service Center

Since 19 years, we have recruited two batches of about 15 young people who have come to our nursing home to carry out this public welfare service, and there are many very warm stories, which is the establishment of trust between the old and the young, and the establishment of a very stable companionship relationship between each other.

【Explanation】The project takes the elderly care institution "Sunshine Home" as a pilot. The person in charge of the hospital told reporters that the government has ideas, enterprises have love, and the elderly have needs to jointly promote the implementation of the project.

【During the same period】Chen Xiaoliang, president of Hangzhou Binjiang Lvkang Sunshine Home

We are based on the young person's volunteer specialty, that is, his strengths, or what he is willing to volunteer. Second, according to some spiritual and cultural needs of the elderly, we make some matching appropriately. Then in the process of companionship, one is the care of our lives, and the other is the collision and exchange of our ideas. The third is, of course, the teaching and upgrading of our professional skills. Let our elderly be reflected in the process of old-age care, learning and having fun.

【Explanation】In the first two rounds of pilot projects, young people based on the actual needs of the elderly life, carry out diversified companionship services, and use what they have learned to add vitality to the life of the elderly.

【During the same period】Grandma Xu

We are learning smartphones now, and we don't have a lot of things on smartphones, and at that time there was also a (young person) who taught us to use mobile phones and was also very popular, taught us to write calligraphy, and we liked it.

【Contemporaneous】Grandma Shi

When my health is not good, accompany us to the doctor, it is really good, often come to see us, my mobile phone will not, not at that time, it is they taught me and taught me.

It is understood that the third batch of companion pension projects will recruit 15-20 people, sign an agreement after passing the interview, the period is 1 year, and only 300 yuan per month management fee is required. The Binjiang District Civil Affairs Bureau and the joint enterprise explored new pension measures, which injected youthful vitality into the elderly care service.

【During the same period】Leng Mei, deputy director of Binjiang Civil Affairs Elderly Care Service Center

We hope to attract the attention of the society, and then everyone can pay attention to our elderly and pay attention to their elderly life. We also hope that this two-way "filial piety culture" can be spread to the society, there is more positive energy, and we hope that young people can join us to help these grandparents, or serve these grandparents together, and at the same time let young people find a certain positioning in the society, and have a public welfare heart and love and dedication heart.

Reporting by Wu Liujing and Wu Junyi in Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Responsible Editor: [Ye Pan]