Reselling graduates' resumes is not only as simple as business ethics, but also suspected of breaking the law.

College graduates looking for jobs, but did they expect that the resumes they put in would be sold at internal prices and ended up in the market? According to interface news reports, 58 Group collects student resumes in the name of recruitment and sells them to training institutions at high prices, which use the latter to contact student groups to sell courses to convert customers, and 58 Group receives rebates from them.

The report said that in the resumes of college graduates sold on the platform, a single resume price ranges from 30-2000 yuan, of which the price of doctoral resumes is as high as about 1500 yuan / copy, the platform takes advantage of more than a year to make a profit of more than 200 million yuan, nearly 20 companies cooperate with it to purchase resumes.

According to surging news reports, on August 8, 10 Group responded that it attached great importance to and had set up a special investigation team as soon as possible to conduct a thorough investigation of the media supervision situation, and would not tolerate such situations.

Graduates' job resumes often contain a variety of information such as name, gender, photo, address, mobile phone, email address, internship experience and so on. When these scattered and sensitive personal information is collected into a resume, it constitutes a complete "portrait" of a job seeker. However, as a well-known enterprise in the field of life services, the platform involved in the incident was exposed to reselling a large number of graduates' job resumes, which was jaw-dropping. If so, where is this act safeguarded by the personal information of graduates?

Judging from the content of previous media reports, what is worse about this matter is that the platform involved in selling graduates' job resumes does not seem to appear suddenly.

In terms of means, the platform involved was exposed to collect resumes under the guise of recruitment, and then resold them to collect rebates; In terms of sales form, it can be packaged and sold according to the number of groups, and can also match the type of portrait required by the cooperative institution, and the quotation of a single resume varies from one resume; From the perspective of scale and "efficiency", nearly 20 enterprises in different industries cooperate with them to "purchase" resumes, and their annual profits exceed 200 million yuan.

All indications are that such a large-scale resale of resumes may not be "whim" or "confused", but more like layers of design and ingenious "arrangement" driven by interests.

Needless to say, similar practices have already broken through the double bottom line of corporate ethics and law. China's Personal Information Protection Law stipulates that no organization or individual may illegally collect, use, process or transmit the personal information of others, and must not illegally trade, provide or disclose the personal information of others; Must not engage in personal information processing activities that endanger national security or the public interest. The Data Security Law also has relevant provisions.

To this end, in the process of thoroughly investigating the incident, it is necessary for the special investigation team to carefully examine to see which link the problem has been exposed and how to take measures to quickly remedy it.

At the same time, because the resale of graduates' resumes is really involved, not only is it not as simple as business ethics, but it has also been suspected of breaking the law and committing crimes. Therefore, in addition to the self-examination and self-correction of the platform involved, the relevant functional departments also need to intervene in the investigation in a timely manner, restore the truth as soon as possible, and deal with it publicly in accordance with laws and regulations.

Nowadays, the employment of college graduates has attracted much social attention. No responsible enterprise should do anything that is detrimental to the employment and personal development of graduates.

□ Lin Feng (media person)

(Beijing News)