As the weather forecaster explained, the typhoon that was in China is gone, but this typhoon is associated with a series of atmospheric fronts that produced very heavy precipitation in Primorye.

Tsygankov stressed that 109 mm of precipitation fell in Primorye per day.

"There are heavy, very heavy rains all over the region. In some places up to 33 m / second, almost hurricane wind. Amur Region, Khabarovsk, South of the Sakhalin Region - heavy rains on August 11. 11-12 in the Khabarovsk Territory, the Jewish Autonomous Region, heavy, very heavy rains, thunderstorms, wind. The situation is still difficult in places. Then the fronts leave, but according to the forecast, on the night of the 12th in Primorye, heavy rain. In the Khabarovsk Territory on August 12 and 13, heavy and very heavy rains, "he said.

Earlier it became known that as a result of heavy rains in Hebei province in northern China, 29 people died.