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Frog (symbolic image)

Photo: Jan Woitas/ dpa

It sits on the green spinach leaves and is hardly recognizable at first glance: In a suburb of the US city of Detroit, a woman has found a frog in a shrink-wrapped spinach package.

Amber Worrick says that when she got home, her daughter discovered the animal in the clear plastic package and cried out, according to various US media, such as Fox 2 Detroit.

In the television report, a photo of the animal is superimposed, on which you can see the frog in the pack. He has moved, says Worrick. She immediately brought the package of organic spinach and the frog back to the supermarket. The staff there released the frog and refunded it.

Jennifer Holton, a spokeswoman for the Michigan Department of Agriculture, told the Detroit Free Press that employees should not have released the frog because authorities did not know if it was native to the region. She said she referred the incident to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The producers of the spinach apologized to the woman and promised in a statement that they would continue to provide consumers with "the freshest and highest quality vegetables".
