Beijing, August 8 -- Recently, the anti-corruption storm in the pharmaceutical field has continued to become a focus topic. The latest issue of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision magazine revealed that Fengdu County in Chongqing Municipality has cracked down on corruption in the field of primary health care, and the violations of discipline and law by the directors of township hospitals who "rely on medical treatment for medical treatment" have lasted as long as 12 years.

Discipline inspection and supervision cadres of Fengdu County in Chongqing City learned about the diagnosis and treatment at the township health center. Image source: China Journal of Discipline Inspection and Supervision

The directors of township hospitals have been corrupt for 10 years

The author of this article, entitled "Promoting Governance with Tongcha", is Li Yuanyuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Fengdu County CPC Committee, secretary of the County Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the County Supervision Commission.

According to him, since the beginning of this year, the county has found through letters and visits and other channels that reflect more corruption and work style problems in the medical and health field, and through peripheral mapping and big data comparison, it has targeted several major drug, consumables and reagent dealers in the county, and retained two dealers suspected of bribery according to law.

"We carefully investigated who gave gifts and invited people to eat, drink and have fun with, and dug up corruption problems such as some public officials 'relying on medical treatment', and liuzhi two township health directors such as Zhu Moumou in accordance with the law."

On the WeChat public account "Qinglian Fengdu" of the Fengdu County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, since the beginning of this year, the county has notified Zhu Zhaomin, president of the Dongjia Central Health Center of Fengdu County, and Huo Qiuming, secretary of the party branch and president of the Baoluan Central Health Center of Fengdu County, respectively, in March and May respectively on the investigation of the news.

In June this year, Zhu Zhaomin was "double-opened", he was accused of seriously violating political discipline, forming an offensive and defensive alliance, and resisting organizational censorship; Violating the spirit of the eight central regulations, illegally receiving gifts and gifts, and accepting banquets, entertainment and other activities that may affect the fair performance of official duties; Violating national laws and regulations, taking advantage of one's position to make profits for others in the sale of medicines, consumables, and reagents, and illegally accepting large amounts of property.

According to the above article, Zhu and other township health directors, as a "key minority", are also the key targets of "hunting" by illegal dealers, starting from daily eating, drinking and fun, to receiving red envelopes and gifts during the New Year festival, and then illegally receiving property according to sales profits, and gradually falling into the abyss of corruption. "For example, the existing procurement system for drugs and other drugs is not perfect, resulting in excessive discretion of township health directors, which objectively provides conditions for power to seek rent and use power for personal gain."

Zhu Moumou's violation of discipline and law lasted for 5 years, and the violation of discipline and law by another dean lasted for 10 years.

They took the initiative to hand over more than 97,<> yuan in red envelopes

According to reports, after the case was closed, the Fengdu County Health Commission held a warning education conference for the families of cadres in the medical and health field in the county, watched Zhu Moumou's confession video, and analyzed his trajectory from "hooking up" with dealers to trading power and money.

Under the high-pressure deterrence and policy inspiration, 3 people took the initiative to surrender, 26 people took the initiative to clarify the problem to the organization, and handed over more than 97,<> yuan of discipline violations such as red envelopes and gifts.

It is worth mentioning that in the practice of anti-corruption in medicine in various places, many localities have made warning educational films using fallen cadres as cases to carry out system-wide education and warning, and many people have taken the initiative to explain problems to the organization and return the stolen goods under the deterrence.

In a report in the ninth issue of this year's China Discipline Inspection and Supervision magazine, it mentioned a case of anti-corruption in the health care system in Jingdong County, Yunnan.

The Jingdong County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision filmed and produced the warning educational film "The Shrewd "Hunter" - Yuntong Hunting" as a typical example of the problem of illegal businessman Yan and some hospital leading cadres colluding and making huge profits, seriously damaging the political ecology of the medical and health industry, and held a warning education conference in the county's medical and health system.

"Warning education has played an important role in promoting the deepening of the special rectification project, and the number of problems that took the initiative to explain to us after the meeting has increased significantly." The relevant person in charge of the Jingdong County Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Committee introduced that under the strong deterrence, 403 people in the county's medical and health industry took the initiative to explain problems, return stolen goods, and hand over unjust enrichment.

Recently, the Health Bureau of Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, also held a warning education conference, reported on serious corruption cases in the medical and health system in the past two years, and organized to watch the confession video of Weng Jiandong, former secretary of the Party Committee and president of Jieyang People's Hospital, and other "number one". (End)