【Commentary】A few days ago, a video of "Hebei Kaishan Temple, cultural relics staff swimming to the main hall to check the damage to the building" attracted much attention. On August 8, a reporter from the China News Agency visited Kaishan Temple in Dongcun, Xincheng Town, Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province. In the Kaishan Temple, the reporter saw that the stagnant water had been basically drained, and a little silt remained on the road connecting the three halls.

【During the same period】Rong Peng, director of the Kaishan Temple Cultural Protection Institute in Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province

On August 8th, we saw that the water in the main hall of Kaishenji Temple had receded, revealing the taiming of the main hall of Kaishenji Temple, so I was anxious to go in to see if there was still water in the main hall of Kaishenji Temple, and there were no life jackets or kayaks at that time. When we swam into the main hall, we saw that the water in the main hall had already drained itself into the main hall as the water level outside the hall dropped, because each pillar of Kaizenji Temple (main hall) had a vent, and we thought that it was possible that the water was drained through this vent.

【Commentary】Upon learning that Kaishan Temple was flooded, the Hebei Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau and the Baoding Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau arranged for technicians to form a cultural relics protection working group to be stationed at the site of Kaishan Temple to check the danger, understand the disaster situation, and assist in disaster relief work.

【During the same period】Sun Yingzhuo, director of the Survey and Design Department of the Hebei Academy of Cultural Relics and Ancient Building Protection

(August 8) After this, we went to the site for investigation as soon as possible, and now we look at it, the damage is a certain degree of damage, this degree is still not too serious, it may also be after water immersion, (damaged) the base part may continue to develop. We have investigated (after the existing situation), the damage is mainly reflected in the steps (stones) of the foundation, some loose and misaligned, and the ground in the hall (Daxiong Treasure Hall) has sunk and collapsed in several places. The overall structure is still relatively stable, and it is still safe for the time being, and we must closely observe whether there is a sustainable development in the follow-up (damaged places).

According to Rong Peng, Kaishan Temple is located in the Langouwa flood storage and detention area of Hebei Province, covering an area of about 9500,1000 square meters, and is a national key cultural relic protection unit. Among them, the King Kong Hall and the Heavenly King Hall were built in the Ming Dynasty, and the Daxiong Treasure Hall was built in the Liao Dynasty, about <> years ago, and is one of the only eight remaining Liao Dynasty wooden buildings in China, occupying an important position in the history of Chinese architecture.

【During the same period】Rong Peng, director of the Kaishan Temple Cultural Protection Institute in Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province

Since yesterday, we have first arranged personnel to carry out sewage discharge, pumping, dredging and sanitize work, and at present, according to the damage to the cultural heritage building, we are preparing to come up with a follow-up (Kaishan Temple restoration and protection) work plan, and we will repair the damaged part according to the opinions (of the working group).

Reporting by Chen Shiyu, Han Bing, Xing Lu, Baoding

Responsible Editor: [Luo Pan]