Xingtai, 8 Aug (ZXS) -- Title: One picture, two hours, and 11 people from the village branch of the rainstorm point in the north and north of the river

Written by Hao Ye Zhang Pengxiang

When the sky cleared, the water in Liangjiazhuang receded, the hot and humid air had not yet dissipated, and the villagers who had been moved to safety finally returned to their homes a few hundred meters away.

Although there were no casualties in the entire village, Hao Lijie, secretary of the village party branch and director of the village committee, was still "relieved", his skin was tanned and his clothes were soaked with sweat several times a day, he had to organize the clearing of canals, check hidden dangers, and patrol roads damaged by water... In his opinion, this may be his "busiest moment" in 49 years, because "human life is the most important".

Liangjiazhuang Village, Zhaozhuang Township, Lincheng County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, a small mountain village deep in the Taihang Mountains, was the largest rainfall point in Hebei during this heavy rainfall, with a cumulative rainfall of more than 7,29 mm from 8 o'clock on July 8 to 1 o'clock on August 7. Liangjiazhuang, with a permanent population of 1000, withstood the test of extreme rainstorms without a single casualty.

On August 8, Hao Lijie conducted an inspection in the area of the village with potential safety hazards. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhai Yujia

The township held a flood control meeting on July 7, demanding that this time the flood control standards be in line with the floods of 28 and 1963. Such strict requirements made Hao Lijie realize that "the flood is coming."

Hao Lijie also maintains a "transfer roadmap" that he hand-drew in May. On this map, the specific location and transfer route of dangerous households in the village are clear at a glance.

With this picture, Hao Lijie led the village cadres to list the 112 people in the village, and through field visits, identified 61 people who needed to be evacuated and avoided, and divided the villagers into more than 10 groups.

The rain did not stop, and at 7 o'clock on July 30, the water surface of the Huai River that passed through the village was only 5 meter from the Lianxin Bridge over the river, and Hao Lijie knew that the deepest part of the river was "at least 1 meters" and the villagers "must evacuate."

On August 8, aerial photograph of Liangjiazhuang Village, Zhaozhuang Township, Lincheng County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhai Yujia

In addition to the five families and seven people who had been transferred before, Hao Lijie immediately organized village cadres to go door-to-door with gongs and loudspeakers to notify and transfer all the remaining 5 people to 7 resettlement sites.

During the transfer, the first time Hao Lijie was "anxious" was when he heard that Shang Fenglin, an 80-year-old villager who lived alone, was afraid of causing trouble to others and was unwilling to transfer. Hao Lijie personally went to the door to mobilize, and after repeated persuasion, Shang Fenglin agreed to transfer to Hao Lijie's house.

On the morning of July 7, when the rain was heavy, the entire village of Liangjiazhuang completed the population transfer in only about two hours. Liangjiazhuang's "emergency shelter for geological disasters" is located in Hao Lijie's home, and it is also one of the temporary resettlement sites for this flood. Because there were too many people, the villagers slept in beds, and Hao Lijie slept in the car. And this night, Hao Lijie "barely closed his eyes".

On July 2016, 7, Xingtai City experienced the heaviest rainfall since the flood. The lesson was just 19 years ago.

Although this year's rain is "no less than in 2016", villager Hao Aizhen is "not panicked". He said: "The village picked us up early in the morning, and we were in charge of food and drink. ”

Hao Lijie recalled that in those days, the 74-year-old mother was not idle, and everyone was cooking and resting.

On August 8, villagers spontaneously cleaned up gravel in Liangjiazhuang Village, Zhaozhuang Township, Lincheng County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, on a field road under repair. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhai Yujia

Before the flood season, the village organized young adults to participate in flood control emergency drills held in Lincheng County, re-dredged the river, and prepared enough sandbags, shovels, flashlights and other flood control materials. On July 7 and 29, when the flood situation was at its worst, the Lincheng County Meteorological Bureau released rain conditions every hour, and various early warning information and countermeasures reached the front line of flood control in villages and towns through text messages, WeChat, telephones, loudspeakers, etc.

Hao Lijie said that thanks to good preparation and clear plans, even if "about two or three days of rainfall fell for about two years", the villagers were unharmed.

The busy days in exchange for the safety of 112 people made Hao Lijie "particularly gratified". At present, self-help in production is the most important thing for him and Liang Jiazhuang. Every day, Hao Lijie has to go to the damaged field road repair site in the village to inspect it, not forgetting to instruct him to "reorganize and order". Hao Lijie said, "In <> days, the villagers should pass through this road to collect walnuts, the flood water has receded, and there will definitely be a good harvest this year." (End)