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Thomas Gottschalk at »Wetten, dass..?« in November 2022

Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth / dpa

After a comeback and a new edition, this year's edition of »Wetten, dass..?« on November 25 will actually be the last edition with Thomas Gottschalk. The presenter confirmed this to SPIEGEL on Monday evening. The 154th edition of the show will take place on the Saturday before Totensonntag and will be "my last".

"I would like to thank the audience, who have faithfully accompanied me through a life as a show host and look forward to hosting the show for the last time on this special occasion," ZDF quoted Gottschalk (73) as saying in a statement.

Probably without Michelle Hunziker

The time of the big live entertainment on Saturday evening is just over, said the entertainer of the "image". However, it is not his farewell to television. Gottschalk also announced to the tabloid that he was planning his final show without Michelle Hunziker: "I hosted the first show alone and I will host the last one alone."

Gottschalk had »Wetten, dass..?« In 1987 it was taken over by showerfinder Frank Elstner (81) and, with a short interruption, moderated by Wolfgang Lippert until 2011. For years, the show was considered the largest television show in Europe.

More on the subject

  • Gottschalk son on YouTube:What if people say: But the old man is funnier? An interview by Alexander Kühn

  • Sarah Connor vs. Thomas Gottschalk: »I don't have to put up with it«

  • »Bet that..?« -New edition with Thomas Gottschalk:Germany, autumn blondeBy Christian Buß

In 2021, ZDF initially relaunched the TV classic as a one-off Saturday evening show starring Thomas Gottschalk and Michelle Hunziker. After the great success with about 14 million viewers, two more editions have been announced for 2022 and 2023.

Whether and how the format will continue after Gottschalk's last edition, "will be decided by ZDF in due course after the show," the public broadcaster in Mainz said on Monday.