Beijing, August 8 (Zhongxin Net) -- After the heavy rainfall in Beijing, a white emergency water supply truck drove into Chenjiazhuang Village, Miaofeng Mountain Town, Mentougou District, which had been cut off for many days, to bring emergency drinking water to local villagers.

From July 7 to August 29, Beijing experienced extremely heavy rainfall. According to the Beijing Meteorological Bureau, the extreme value of rainfall recorded in the rainy weather process occurred in the Wangjiayuan Reservoir in Changping, which was 8.2 mm, which is the first rainfall recorded by instruments in Beijing in 744 years.

Affected by rainfall, water levels in the Mentougou district of western Beijing soared, and many areas were dangerous, and flash floods were induced on July 7. Chenjiazhuang Village is one of the villages affected by this rainfall.

Chenjiazhuang Village is located at the foot of Miaofeng Mountain in western Beijing, surrounded by water on three sides and backed by mountains on one side, and the Yongding River circles the village two kilometers from south to north. Floodwaters broke bridges, triggered landslides and blocked roads, causing villages to lose contact with the outside world and turn them into "islands".

"Since July 7, the village has gone door-to-door to inform villagers to seek refuge with relatives and friends or to resettlement sites. After the heavy rains, there were no casualties in the village, only two families were flooded, and almost no houses collapsed. Chen Xiaonian, director of the village committee of Chenjiazhuang Village, said that the biggest problem in the village now is the lack of water.

Chen Xiaonian said that because the road was not opened, on the morning of the 1st, after the first batch of relief materials donated by social forces arrived, the village organized about 70 villagers to carry materials at high speed on the unbuilt National Highway 109 New Line, with a total of hundreds of boxes of mineral water and instant noodles, bread, etc., a round trip of about 4 kilometers.

"With this batch of water, we are steadfast and distribute five bottles of mineral water to the people twice, so that everyone can have water to drink." Chen Xiaonian said that the lack of domestic water is still a problem, and the arrival of emergency water trucks has relieved the villagers' urgent needs.

On August 8, in Chenjiazhuang Village, Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing, villagers collected water from an emergency water truck. On the same day, the Beijing Mentougou District Water Bureau dispatched emergency water supply trucks to transport water to Chenjiazhuang Village, which rushed to the passage road. Photo by China News Agency reporter Yi Haifei

After the heavy rains, Chenjiazhuang village was particularly quiet, and when emergency water trucks arrived, villagers lined up with large buckets to collect water. Villager Chen Zhixue said that it has been raining for the past few days, the bridge leading to the outside world has been washed off, and the village has cut off water and electricity, and water has become a big problem.

Not far from the water truck, a backup generator hums, pumping water from a nearby well for villagers to access domestic water and provide mobile phone charging services. After retiring from the army, Lin Xiao worked in Beijing as an electric power maintenance work, and has rented a house in Chenjiazhuang Village for five years. After seeing the water and electricity cut off in the village, Lin Xiao took the initiative to find out the backup generator in the warehouse to ensure the villagers' water and electricity to a certain extent.

Wang Yao, secretary of the party committee of Miaofengshan Town, said that under the heavy rainfall weather, 17 villages in Miaofeng Mountain Town were affected, and some roads have been opened and all villages have been contacted.

According to the Mentougou District Water Bureau, Miaofeng Mountain Town is currently carrying out road repair work, and emergency water supply trucks have provided water supplies to Chenjiazhuang Village, which has access to the road. In the next step, with the repair of roads, water sources will be provided to villages one after another, and water supply system repairs or reconstruction will be carried out at the same time to promote the normal use of rural water supply facilities. (End)