Changsha, 8 August -- Hunan "Doctor Village" inherits the family style of "diligent cultivation and re-study" and promotes the birth and breeding industry with literature

Reporter Tang Xiaoqing

It takes more than an hour to drive from Changsha, Hunan to the town of Liuyang City, Changsha, the "hometown of fireworks in China". Passing through the three-story gatehouse with the words "Standing out from the chickens in Guanchi County, the source opens the flow far and runs the rice field" on the township road, you will enter the ancient village of ——-- Sha City Town of Yangtian Village, which has a rich cultural heritage.

Diligent cultivation and re-reading is a popular family custom in Rice Field Village. Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, the village has graduated 28 doctors, 176 master's students and thousands of college students, making it a well-known "doctoral village" in Hunan.

Today, the culture of farming and reading handed down for hundreds of years has become an important resource for local revitalization of the countryside. By promoting production through culture, the governors of Yangtian Village promote the integrated development of ecological agriculture, leisure tourism, and study tourism, and create the brand of "Characteristic Research and Study of Doctoral Village", which not only revitalizes rural resources, but also drives farmers to increase income.

The gatehouse of the village of Koda. Photo courtesy of Dunga

"Doctoral Village" rises research fever: characteristic culture and characteristic industries

In order to display the "culture of cultivation and reading" and encourage students to read, Yangtian Village built a two-story "doctor wall" in the village to display photos and information of 28 doctors in the village. On the wall is a line of powerful lettering: "Knowledge changes destiny, culture breeds virtue." "In front of the wall stands a statue of Confucius.

The "Dr. Wall" in the village of Seeda. Photo by Tang Xiaoqing

On the other hand, Yangtian Village has integrated the innovation of farming culture into the construction of beautiful villages and houses, and restored old buildings full of agricultural culture such as the centuries-old Longjing and the old trough gate of Luoche. A cultivation and reading cultural center covering an area of more than 3000,2000 square meters has also been erected. This antique courtyard is the only village-level cultural center in Hunan Province, displaying the cultivation culture and development changes of Yangtian Village with more than <>,<> objects, pictures, sculptures, etc.

There are more and more people coming to visit, but most of them are watching flowers, which is difficult to drive consumption. Therefore, Yangtian Village decided to integrate farming culture into the construction of beautiful villages, build a doctoral village research and study practice base, and promote the integrated development of ecological agriculture, leisure tourism, and study travel.

The Koyoyo Cultural Center in Koda Village. Photo by Tang Xiaoqing

"Adopting the crowdfunding and co-construction model of 'village collective + company + farmer', the village collective buys 10% of the shares, 91 households raise more than 100 million yuan, and 10% of the benefits of the base are used as the village collective economic income, and the villagers who invest in the shares enjoy dividends." Luo Biru, person in charge of Yangtian Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd., said that young people in Yangtian Village can visit the cultivation and study cultural center to receive family style stories such as diligent reading, advocating culture and teaching, and passing on poetry and etiquette, as well as doctoral study deeds, and can also experience agricultural activities such as planting seedlings, harvesting, planting vegetables, and catching fish, so as to cultivate the spirit of bearing hardships and standing hard work.

The dividends of special study tours are obvious. "In the first half of this year, 50,000 students have been received for study, which has driven the development of catering and homestays." Deng Jiachang, secretary of the general party branch and director of the village committee of Yangtian Village, said that Yangtian Village has initially formed a "doctoral village" cultural tourism characteristic industry, solved the problem of some villagers finding employment and starting businesses at home, increased the village collective economy, and promoted secondary consumption.

The "Most Beautiful Rural Book House" in China: Continuing the custom of Chongwen and teaching

Green bricks and tiles, cornices and angles, an old house with a thick sense of age is next to the Yangtiancun Primary School. This is the farmhouse of the village of Koda. It has made indispensable contributions to the continuation of the customs and family style of re-teaching and diligent study.

"After school and holidays, it's the most popular here. Literature and art lovers and retired teachers in the village read books here, and farmers who encounter problems in fertilizing and breeding will also come to the book house to find relevant information. Chief Denga told reporters.

In the early days, the Rural Library in Yangtiancun was just a simple reading corner. As the villagers' cultural needs grew, village officials began to search for a "new home" for the reading corner. Hearing that there was a demand in the village, the old man Zhang Qiuxiang, born in 1929, did not hesitate to donate his old house and renovate it at his own expense.

After the improvement of the quality of the village, the rural library has set up children's reading room, electronic reading room, learning and exchange room, calligraphy room and other functional rooms, and more than tens of thousands of books are all distributed by the government and donated by caring people.

The old man Zhang Qiuxiang also often came to the library to learn to read, read books and read newspapers. "My mother knows more than 4000,12 words, and often tells her children and grandchildren the principles of being a person and doing things, and instills the concept of patriotism and family love." Zhang Qiuxiang's son Luo Biru said that because of the family style of emphasizing knowledge from generation to generation, a total of 2 college students and <> doctors have come out of the family.

In Yangtian Village, every parent also agreed with their children that their parents would not play cards and their children would not play mobile phones. Neighbors are not richer than anyone's family, they can read more than whose children, parents and children should learn and progress together.

Villagers and students in Yangtian Village are reading books in the farmhouse library. Photo courtesy of Dunga

The Rural Library of Yangtian Village was selected as the "Most Beautiful Rural Library" in China. "The book house has not only become a 'gas station' for villagers to learn skills to get rich, a 'charging station' for teenagers to improve their cultural literacy, but also a 'health station' for the elderly to read and relax." Deng Jia said that Yangtian Village will further give full play to the advantages of the state-level rural library and create a bookish atmosphere of one household and one book corner in the village.

"With the help of the platform of the Rural Book House, we regularly carry out cultural salons or theme lectures such as literary works, poetry creation, health and wellness, hold a series of themed activities for cultivation and reading heirlooms, and invite doctors to tell the stories of family style and family training and school experience for teenagers, so that the Rural Book House will become the spiritual food of the villagers." Deng Jiachang said that Yangtian Village has also set up a rural library education fund to reward villagers' families who have obtained university entrance examinations and master's and doctoral degrees, and awarded the "Scholarly Family" plaque.

The village of Mta Village. Photo courtesy of Dunga

Polish the golden signboard of "Doctor": enlarge the new advantages of cultural tourism in Yangtian

With the doctoral village research and practice base as the center, Yangtian Village concentrated on research classrooms, country houses, special catering, agricultural creativity, cultural creativity, etc., and carried out the third-phase development project. Among them, the first phase has set up three major areas: research service belt, pastoral sightseeing belt and cultural leisure belt, which undertake supporting functions such as teaching, conference affairs, reception, workshop, accommodation, catering, and experience, and conduct trial operation for the market in Hunan and surrounding provinces, creating a one-stop service research and tourism complex for teaching experience, nature education, leisure and entertainment, farmland sightseeing, and wild luxury vacation.

"It is also necessary to launch a series of high-quality study tourism routes and courses around the research themes of beautiful countryside tour, red memory tour, historical and cultural experience, and intangible cultural heritage experience, so as to realize the differentiation, specialization and theme of the Yangtian study tour." Denga Chang said.

On the side of the gate of Zhang Qiuxiang's old man's house in Yangtian Village, there is a family style motto of "study hard, benefit the family country". Photo by Tang Xiaoqing

The ancestral culture of family style and ancestral training, such as diligent study, family and country benefit, and poetry inheritance, has also become a unique element of the spiritual civilization construction of the new rural area of Yangtian. Many of the common points can be summarized from the family customs and family rules related to the family trees of the village. For example, "loyal and patriotic", "being a good example", "cultivating and studying", and "harmonious villagers" are all used to persuade the villagers with "goodness and beauty".

In today's Yangtian Village, despite the superior living conditions, the villagers still pasted the ancestral motto of "Pass on the family motto of diligence and thrift, cultivate and study for the prosperity of the people" and "Study hard, benefit the family and the country" on both sides of the gate. Deng Jiachang said that the integration of family style and ancestral training into the construction of new countryside plays an important role in consolidating patriotic spirit, purifying social atmosphere, promoting cultural construction, promoting social communication, and developing harmonious relations.

"Strive to build a prosperous village for the development of characteristic industries, a bright village with cultural characteristics, and let more people return to their hometowns to start businesses." It is also hoped that under the collective wisdom and efforts of people with lofty ideals, more doctoral agricultural and sideline products, doctoral cultural and creative products will be created. Dungalong said. (End)