Recently, it has been affected by heavy rainfall

Floods occurred in Beijing and Hebei

Torrential rains cause flash floods

As a result, many villages were flooded, roads destroyed and people trapped


Rescue! Rescue!

Hit the scene


Beijing Mentougou

After continuous heavy rains in Beijing, the water level of the Yongding River soared

Shuiyuzui Village at the foot of Miaofeng Mountain in Mentougou

The only road to the town hall was blocked

Water and electricity were cut off in the village, communications were lost, and many people were trapped

August 8, 1:4 p.m

The Shuiyuzui Bridge, which had been blocked for more than three days, was opened

Mr. Wang from Mentougou immediately went retrograde to Shuiyuzui Village

One of his relatives has been missing for three days

Affected by landslides

The roads in the village were completely destroyed, like a rocky beach

Many houses were mostly submerged with mud and sand

This section of road, which is less than 300 meters, walked for more than 20 minutes

The reporter of China News Agency filmed this rescue trip throughout the whole process

Video: Reporter's personal experience: Retrograde rescue in Mentougou Shuiyuzui VillageSource: China News Network

Recently, due to heavy rainfall

Train K396 from Wuhai West in Inner Mongolia to Fengtai, Beijing

Forced to stop at Luopoling Railway Station in Beijing's Mentougou District

Residents of the Rocky Ridge community

Porridge, noodles, pickles

Take out all the supplies at home to help the stranded passengers

Recall this scene

Meng Ermei, secretary of the party branch of Luopoling, couldn't help but choke:

"As long as we have a bite to eat

We must not let them (K396 passengers) go hungry"

Residents of Falling Hill help stranded passengers

"Took out everything I could eat at home"

"The power of Chinese is truly incomparable,

There is no stronger or more united Chinese in the world."

On August 8, the dredging of roads in Liuliqu Village in Mentougou District, Beijing, was carried out in an orderly manner. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhao Jun

On August 8, the rescue scene of Shuiyuzui Village, Miaofeng Mountain Town, Mentougou District, Beijing. The picture shows the damaged vehicle. Photo by Li Taiyuan

On August 8, the rescue scene of Shuiyuzui Village, Miaofeng Mountain Town, Mentougou District, Beijing. Firefighters working at the scene said that the steep terrain of the village made rescue work more difficult, and fire fighters could only enter the scene on foot to conduct house-to-house inspections. At present, the follow-up rescue work is still ongoing. The picture shows rescuers pouring muddy water out of their boots. Photo by Li Taiyuan

On August 8, more than 1 residents from two buildings in the A1 community of the fourth district community of Longmen New District, Mentougou Chengzi Street, Beijing, were resettled here at the resettlement site of Longquan Primary School in Mentougou District, Beijing. The picture shows citizens resting at the resettlement site. Photo by Sheng Jiapeng, reporter of China News Agency

Fangshan, Beijing

Recently, Songshuling Tunnel, Jingkun Road, Fangshan District, Beijing

Roads were disrupted by flash floods

The road surface outside the east entrance of the tunnel is more than 100 meters

Completely buried by gravel mud and dumped trees

There is a lot of water in the tunnel

August 8

Armed police rescue forces advanced into the Pine Ridge Tunnel

Excavators rescue 7 stranded people

Image source: Screenshot of Zhongxin Video

August 8

A reporter from the China News Agency hit the rescue site in Fangshan, Beijing

Multiple rescue forces gathered to transport the trapped people

"I'm okay, it's all fine!"

48 hours after the disappearance of villagers in Fangshan, Beijing

Use satellite phones to contact friends and family

At the moment, this is the most beautiful sound!

On July 7, part of the Liulihe Wetland Park in Liulihe Town, Fangshan District, Beijing, was flooded by the Dashi River. Photo by China News Agency reporter Cui Nan

On August 8, in Fangshan, Beijing, tens of thousands of villagers in Qinglonghu Town, dredged the streets. Photo by Yang Kejia, reporter of China News Agency

Zhuozhou, Hebei

Hebei Zhuozhou Water Shangrenjia Community

The basement collapsed and flooded waters, making it difficult for assault boats to rescue

Community residents asked for help

2 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the 17nd

H155 rescue helicopter of the Ram Rescue Team Aviation Special Service Team

Already in the neighborhood

Carried out six winch island lifting rescue missions

Successfully rescued 39 trapped people

For now, aviation and ground rescue continues

Video: A small basement in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province collapsed and flooded The rescue team lifted and rescued 39 people from an isolated islandSource: China News Network

"Hold my neck!"

August 8, Zhuozhou, Hebei

Three people in one villager's home were trapped

Among them was an elderly man with reduced mobility

Some areas of the site have been flooded to the chest at the deepest point

Firefighters carry the elderly on their backs in chest-high standing water

late at night

A rescuer in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province

Eat waist-deep water to fill your hunger

Frozen until your hands tremble!

August 8 at 2 a.m

A hotel in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, has nearly 200 people

Rescuers who have just returned from the front line to recuperate

Hot meals are provided

The owner of the restaurant said:

"It's not easy,

[Rescuers] are coming here all over the country.

People are coming to help us,

Let's do what we can.

Because [rescuers] also need care."

On August 8, villagers carried their children from a truck platform into a forklift for transfer. On the same day, a number of fire rescue forces rescued and evacuated the victims in Pier Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. Photo by China News Agency reporter Cui Nan

On August 8, people moved by forklift. On the same day, a number of fire rescue forces rescued and evacuated the victims in Pier Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. Photo by China News Agency reporter Cui Nan

On August 8, the trapped people were rescued one after another in the waterlogged section of the Zhuozhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone in Hebei Province. It is understood that at present, Zhuozhou City has established 2 emergency rescue teams with a total of 28,8755 people, and has cooperated with professional rescue teams from many places in China, such as the Blue Sky Rescue Team and the Tianlong Rescue Team, to make every effort to provide rescue support. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhai Yujia

On August 8, the trapped people were rescued one after another in the waterlogged section of the Zhuozhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone in Hebei Province. It is understood that at present, Zhuozhou City has established 2 emergency rescue teams with a total of 28,8755 people, and has cooperated with professional rescue teams from many places in China, such as the Blue Sky Rescue Team and the Tianlong Rescue Team, to make every effort to provide rescue support. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhai Yujia

At present, rescue is still going on in many places

Hats off to all rescuers!

Come on! China!

May everyone return safely!

China News Service (CNS1952) Comprehensive China News Service (Reporters: Zhao Jun, Sheng Jiapeng, Yang Kejia, Cui Nan, Zhai Yujia), Zhongxin Video (Reporters: Rang Baokui, Li Chun, Wen Mengxin/Huang Hongtao, Zhang Fan), China News Network (Li Taiyuan), etc