Nanchang, 8 Aug (Zhongxin Net) -- On 3 August, this reporter learned from a press conference on flood prevention and drought control work in Jiangxi Province held by the Information Office of the Jiangxi Provincial Government that since the beginning of this year, the water level of Poyang Lake has been significantly lower than that of ordinary years.

The picture shows that on the 3rd, the Information Office of the Jiangxi Provincial Government held a press conference on flood prevention and drought control in Jiangxi Province. Photo by Zhu Ying

Liu Chuang, deputy secretary-general of Jiangxi Provincial Defense Command, member of the Party Committee and director of the Political Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Emergency Management Department, said that since the beginning of this year, the flood situation in Jiangxi has mainly shown the characteristics of the earliest flood in the country, the uneven distribution of rainfall in time and space, and the obvious low water level of Poyang Lake.

According to reports, affected by the drought in 2022, the water level of major rivers and lakes in Jiangxi Province is lower than the same period for many years. The water level of Poyang Lake, China's largest freshwater lake, was significantly low, with a maximum low of 6.43 meters, and remained below 12 meters for 142 days, only to return to 4 meters on April 23. Since then, due to the continued low amount of water flowing into the lake, Poyang Lake retreated below 12 meters again on July 7, the earliest year since records began in 20, and 12 days earlier than the original first year.

"In the later stage, the trend of low dry water in Poyang Lake may be further developed." Zhang Yang, deputy director of the Water Information Department of Jiangxi Hydrological Monitoring Center, said that according to meteorological forecasts, precipitation in Jiangxi Province in August will be 8 to 1% less, and the water in the Yangtze River Basin may also be in a normal and less state.

On May 5, aerial photography of the waters near Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, Poyang Lake, I saw that the lake was open, the blue waves were rippling, and boats were coming. Photo by Liu Lixin, reporter of China News Agency

It is predicted that from August to September, the rainfall in Jiangxi Province will be 8 to 9% more than the same period in many years, the distribution in time and space is uneven, and local strong convective weather will still occur, and the entry or impact of typhoons cannot be ruled out. At the same time, the current river water level and reservoir water storage are generally low, and the high temperature and little rain in the later period will cause periodic drought.

What measures will Jiangxi take to prevent floods and fight drought?

Liu Chuang introduced that before the flood, Jiangxi provincial, municipal and county levels all specified the administrative responsible persons for flood prevention and drought control, and fully implemented the responsible persons for flood control in 10557,3734 reservoirs, 1437,9942 rural hydropower stations, 4,6 polders and 97,<> key mountain ponds. More than <>,<> people have been implemented in the province such as armed police, militia, fire rescue, and China Aneng. Graded and sub-departments have done a good job in increasing the storage of equipment and materials, and the province has reserved a total of <> million yuan in flood fighting and rescue materials.

At the beginning of the flood season, according to the meteorological forecast, Jiangxi coordinated the promotion of drought prevention and drought control in various flood prevention work in the later period. During the period of coping with the heaviest rainfall this year, "Dragon Boat Water", under the condition of fully ensuring flood control safety, it was decided for the first time that Ganbei Gan Zhong would enter the post-flood period management 6 days ahead of schedule during the flood control emergency response period. According to statistics, the reservoirs in Jiangxi Province have increased their reservoirs by a total of 34.84 billion cubic meters during the entire "Dragon Boat Water" process, providing water source guarantee for possible drought in the later period.

"Our province will implement drought prevention and drought control measures, guide all localities to open up water sources according to local conditions, increase water storage sources under the premise of ensuring the safety of reservoirs, and scientifically carry out artificial rainfall enhancement operations according to weather conditions." Liu Chuang said that Jiangxi will strengthen water management, refine and formulate scientific water use plans, and put an end to wasteful water sources such as "long-running water" and "large-scale flood irrigation". At the same time, all kinds of irrigation and water supply engineering facilities should be repaired as soon as possible, and rural drinking water and field projects and canal systems should be dredged, so as to open up the "last kilometer" of water transmission. (End)