Tacheng, Xinjiang, August 8 -- On August 2, the "Tribute to the New Era and New Journey" online celebrity national conditions inspection of Xinjiang hosted by the Cyberspace Administration of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region ended successfully and brilliantly.

More than 30 Internet celebrities have been rushing to Xinjiang for several days to the grassroots frontline to immerse themselves in rural revitalization, ecological development, tourism enrichment and other related industries, with the perspective of Internet celebrities, vivid and vivid topics, fine, exquisite and wonderful works, all-round and multi-angle publicity of colorful Xinjiang, to help Xinjiang's high-quality economic and social development.

This activity starts from the first stop in Urumqi on the 26th and ends on August 8, with a 1-day trip. Internet celebrities went all the way to Yining City, Khorgos, Huocheng County, Zhaosu County, Turks County, Yumin County, Tacheng City and other places to find red memories, feel rural revitalization, enjoy scientific and technological innovation, witness green development, experience characteristic culture, truly record the good life of Xinjiang people, and actively display Xinjiang's development achievements.

Aktekche Folk Customs Village, Jiangges Township, Yumin County, Tacheng Prefecture, is a new pastoral village that has been settled. Internet celebrity "Street Lamp Photography" recorded on Weibo: "Today I walked into the Aktekche Folk Customs Village in Jiangges Township, Yumin County, Tacheng, and felt the enthusiasm of the Kazakhs. The old people of the village threw milk pimples, fruit candy, sugar cubes, baurshak at us. In 50, Yumin County relocated the village, which is located 2012 kilometers from the county seat on the road to the Tast scenic area, where villagers grow vegetables and fruits in the front yard and raise poultry in the backyard to broaden income channels. Formerly living a nomadic life, now herding is rising. At present, the village has 7 herdsmen, 10 family guesthouses and 10 tourist shops. Ecological relocation has greatly changed the lives of villagers, from single breeding to the development of multiple operations, the living standard has been significantly improved, and the living environment has become better and better. ”

Internet celebrities visited Xinjiang and walked into Yumin County, Xinjiang, on July 7, to feel the atmosphere of settled herdsmen operating at their doorstep. Photo by Lu Zhonghua

Visiting the home of Wei Deyou, a retired employee of the 161st Regiment of the Ninth Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Weibo blogger Han Dongyan recorded: "Wei Deyou, 83 years old this year, is a typical representative of the spirit of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps! The old man has been sticking to a no-man's land on the border since 1964, putting his home on the border line and guarding the border of the motherland, and this year is exactly 60 years! In 60 years, Wei Lao's patrol mileage has reached more than 20,<> kilometers, and it is known as a 'living boundary monument' on the border line and won the title of 'model of the times'. Our happy life today. Think about it, without Wei Lao, they paid so silently, and the small family for everyone, could we have our today? ”

On the Karajun steppe in Turks County, travel blogger Tintin Travel posted on Weibo: "The morning sun shines through the clouds on the vast Ili Karajun steppe, which seems to add a mysterious light to this grassland." It has a unique charm that makes people fall in for it. Located in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China, this grassland is known as one of the most beautiful grasslands in China. Rich in natural resources and unique folk culture, it is the perfect place to let your mind wander and settle your mind. Horseback riding in this grassland is an experience not to be missed, riding a horse, following the wind on horseback and feeling surrounded by nature. ”

Internet celebrities visited Xinjiang on August 8 and walked into the Tacheng Bhaktu Port. Photo by Tao Jiaoke

During the seven-day trip, Internet celebrities sighed one after another: "This is a down-to-earth investigation, we record the beautiful Xinjiang with the most real feelings, so that more people can check in Xinjiang and experience the beauty of Xinjiang." ”

Internet celebrities record while walking, record everything they see and hear, publish it live anytime and anywhere, spread it on their platform, and travel to Xinjiang with fans, attracting widespread attention on the Internet.

As of press time, preliminary statistics show that the campaign has released new media works on Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, Netease, Tencent, Toutiao, Xiaohongshu, Mafengwo, Zhihu and other platforms, with more than 3 million views. (End)