Guangzhou, 8 Aug (Zhongxin Net) -- Guangdong Sees Righteousness and Courage as Heroes: Experiencing Pain and Never Thinking of Being a Hero

Written by Cheng Jingwei Zhang Lanze

"I have experienced pain and difficulties unimaginable to ordinary people, but I have never regretted it, nor have I ever thought of becoming a hero." The Guangdong Province Heroic Model Commendation Conference was held in Guangzhou on the 2nd, and Jing Zhongyi, who was commended for seeing righteous courage as a hero, said at the meeting. Four years ago, he was seriously injured in a rescue incident, with burns of more than three degrees and burns of 4% of his body.

Conference site. Photo courtesy of the Political and Legal Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee

Turning the clock back to 2018, Jing Zhongyi opened a bakery on Shafeng <>nd Road, Jinsha Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou. While running the bakery, Jing Zhongyi met Mr. Su, a regular customer. Mr. Su is ill and sometimes bedridden. Jing Zhongyi often personally delivered bread to Mr. Su's home without charging anything.

On the evening of June 2019, 6, Jing Zhongyi bought bean noodles and delivered them to Mr. Su's home. Unexpectedly, as soon as he approached the door, Jing Zhongyi smelled a strong smell of gas, and he quickly rushed to the bedroom to find Mr. Su. Mr. Su lamented in discouragement that he did not want to live, and had already turned on the gas pipeline to end his life. Jing Zhongyi heard that he couldn't care about his personal safety, and quickly ran to the living room to open all the doors and windows, but a spark was caused in the process of opening the door, resulting in an instant explosion in the house. Jing Zhongyi was slammed into the wall by the strong shock wave generated by the explosion and fell into a brief coma. After waking up, Jing Zhongyi saw a fire burning on the bed where Mr. Su was lying, and he endured the severe pain of his arms burned by the high temperature, and dragged Mr. Su with a pull belt to the outside of the house, and Mr. Su was saved. However, due to his serious injuries, Jing Zhongyi fainted again, and his whole body burned more than three degrees, covering an area of 25%.

"For almost two years after the accident, due to the severe contraction of the burned skin, I could only sleep on the sofa, and then put a chair next to the sofa to raise my hands, and I basically couldn't fall asleep at night, which was very painful. Due to the severity of my injuries, my bakery could not continue to operate and had to be transferred at a low price. Jing Zhongyi said that after he was injured, all walks of life donated money for him for treatment, and relevant departments also gave him condolence money and hardship subsidies in a timely manner, and also solved his urgent needs in employment, housing and other aspects. On April 2021, 4, he became a security guard in the security squadron of Shijing Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou.

Qiu Wenrui, a medical graduate student at Shunde Hospital of Southern Medical University, and Lin Tongjie, a student of Guangdong Neusoft College, were among the advanced groups who were commended. It is understood that at 2022 o'clock on May 5, 2, Lin Tongjie and Qiu Wenrui took a bus from Shunde District, Foshan City to Chancheng District, when the vehicle drove to the opposite section of Exit C of Nanchung Metro Station in Beijiao Town, Shunde District, Lin Tongjie felt that the vehicle collided, found that the driver fainted on the side of the seat, the vehicle was in a driverless state, she ignored her personal safety, immediately got up from the second row of seats directly behind the driver and rushed to the driver's seat, reached out and slammed the brake pedal, and braked the vehicle urgently, avoiding a secondary traffic accident, It protects the life safety of the vehicle and more than 12 passengers in the vehicle. At the same time, Qiu Wenrui, who was sitting in the third row directly behind the driver, also quickly rushed to the driver's seat, and with the cooperation of Lin Tongjie, took measures such as pressing the driver's acupuncture points to rescue, successfully restoring the driver's consciousness and helping the driver out of danger of life.

"I feel like we're just doing what a medical student should do." Qiu Wenrui said that in this rescue incident, she deeply felt that if there is no agile response, no medical knowledge learned, and no close cooperation of the passengers in the car, it will not be possible to turn the danger into a disaster in time, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

The conference commended 5 advanced groups, 10 heroes, 29 models and 10 caring enterprises (units). This is the first time that Guangdong has held a commendation conference at the provincial level.

The meeting pointed out that the advanced groups and heroic models commended this time are worthy of the most beautiful Cantonese people in the new era. (End)