Recently, continuous rainfall in Fangshan District, Beijing, has caused the river water level to rise rapidly. Affected by this, many roads in Fangshan District were broken due to water damage. On August 8, the reporter saw on Dajian Road in Fangshan District that the bridge head at the west end of the No. 2 Bridge of the Dashi River, which crossed the Dashi River, was partially washed away, the reinforced concrete was exposed on the surface, and the telephone pole on one side was tilted in the turbulent water. According to the staff, the broken bridge was discovered during a staff inspection on July 7. 【During the same period】Ding Zhiqiang, deputy section chief of the first specialized section of the Seventh Highway Department of Beijing Construction and Maintenance Group, began to organize personnel, machinery and vehicles in the early morning to prepare for the disposal of the collapse of the bridge. At 31 o'clock in the morning, all the personnel and machinery were in place, and we carried out rescue operations. 【Commentary】At the emergency repair site, the sound of machinery roared, and vehicles came in and out from time to time to transport sand and gravel. According to reports, the on-site staff implemented two shifts and worked around the clock. Ding Zhiqiang, deputy section chief of the first specialized section of the Seventh Highway Department of Beijing Construction and Maintenance Group, is 1 people today, and he put in a 6 (type) long-arm hook machine, a 60 (type) heavy hook machine, a 360 (type) loader, and then 300 transport vehicles for sand and gravel transportation. 【During the same period】Beijing Construction and Maintenance Group Seventh Highway Department of the first special maintenance section staff Kui Gonglin is now we use gravel, mainly gravel, gravel to fill in, fill this foundation first, and then make the roadbed, make the road surface, and then connect this bridge head with the normal road of this road, and then ensure the normal passage of vehicles and pedestrians. 【Commentary】The staff introduced that the current bridge repair process has reached nearly one-third, and it is expected that in two days, the No. 50 bridge of the big piece road can be restored to traffic. It is reported that at present, there are mainly 14 water-damaged roads in Fangshan's mountainous areas, concentrated in 10 National Highway, 108 Double Line, Banchen Road, Junhong Road and other roads, and 108 plain roads are blocked by water. After Gao Xiangru, head of the relevant department of the Fangshan Highway Branch of the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission, discovered the broken road, the sub-bureau promptly dispatched forces and organized a rescue team, consisting of four teams: the survey team, the emergency rescue team, the cleaning team, and the facilities team, to carry out rush work on the south and north ditches in Fangshan District respectively, and restore the smooth traffic at the fastest speed. Reporting by reporters Liu Chao and Lu Shaowei from Beijing

Responsible Editor: [Ge Cheng]