• Diego Ibáñez "'Cayetano' has surpassed the group, I don't care if it is used politically"
  • Mario Vaquerizo "The problem is not in Ayuso or me, it is in the social dictators who do not allow you to be free"

The accumulation of dramas that adorn the acting career of Anna Castillo (Barcelona, 1993) is surprising when one stands before her. Because, beyond a small crisis for the 30 years that loom over it, which will be temporary, there is no trace of intensity. "I'm much lighter and more talkative than the characters they give me. But I think someone saw that I cried well and that my part of a good person is more embarrassing in a drama." And all this is accompanied by a laugh, which will not be the only one of this talk as part of the promotion of A perfect story, the Netflix series that adapts the novel by Elísabet Benavent.

In the end with so many series fleeing from traditional romantic love, it becomes fashionable to dismantle it. Yes, you have to look for love from affection and respect, from being sincere and honest. We are all deconstructing ourselves with feminism, equality and the LGTBI collective. I now review romantic comedies that I liked from the 90s and 2000s and I see tremendous red flags. And in life too. In your life or in life in general? I see continuous red flags in relationships from when I was younger and in movies I liked when I was little. And now I realize that it is not right.Is it important to demolish that myth in love and sexual relationships? It is important to teach what sex people have, because we are used to a very movie one. I look forward to seeing real sex in romantic comedies. You have to claim the powder of a Friday afternoon in winter with a sweatshirt. I've had a lot of sex every day and it's cool to show that intimacy. Bring it closer to real life, in shortYou have to get away from that sex as very wild porn because then in life everything is much more normal. I would like teenagers to also stay with that you can fall in love from humor and tranquility and not from drama and anxiety because we have romanticized that love hurts. I'm surprised to be 30 years old, I don't know how it could have happened, because I've always been younger. It's coming to me again, but I have the feeling that when I fulfill them I will be relieved. But is it fear of growing old? It has nothing to do with aging physically, which will also scare me, it is more the passage of time. I'm enjoying my life, I'm doing well in general and I'm sorry it's been 10 years so quickly since I arrived in Madrid. I look back and I like that Anna very well because she is quite nice and tender, but in this decade I have learned a lot. Now I start an age where I will be valued for much more adult characters that sometimes I feel that I have had too childish charactersSERGIO G. VALERO¿For being a young girl? How have you dealt with that in the industry? That many of your colleagues complain that they have suffered it. At first I felt very much that because of my age and being a girl I had to be right or be consistent so that what I said was valued. I had to always be very careful not to it while my companions, gentlemen, older, could say anything. And I think I've done characters that are too cliché and it makes me angry. Although I have been lucky in general. But in your case the critics have always treated you well and your colleagues melt into praise. Well, I don't do anything to be nice either, I'm not trying to like people all the time. I'm quite transparent, natural and I like to work with people like that. So I try to do a little bit of the same. Yes, for example, with criticism there is something that I have always felt very loved and I do not want to disappoint.Have you felt that in your best work moment your personal life also devoured you? When you told that you had a relationship with a girlI understand because it was the time of rise of the networks and normalize homosexual relationships. I understood that making my relationship with Lara visible was fine, but I was in a very good professional moment and all the interviews went personally. I just wanted to be valued a little more professionally. You who are bisexual, how do you take a certain reaction that is andAre you looking towards the LGTBI collective? I feel that there is a great setback by the extreme right, not only with the collective, but also censoring cultural works. It makes me angry and angry, I'm not even afraid. How can it be that we have advanced so much in the last 10 years and now we go back. I trust in human justice, you cannot go against human rights and freedom of expression. This setback must be stopped in some way even if there is some widespread fright. Those ideas go into young people a lot. I do not have the necessary information to have a very clear opinion, but I think we have advanced so much that there are reactionary waves against these social advances and I am afraid to see it so much in young people. It would be unfair to say that I have felt it. I haven't been so long off work as to be scared. But this work is very cyclical and suddenly you're fashionable and then young people come along who want to see more. It seems logical to me and that does not stop you from existing. SERGIO G. VALEROY that they give you jobs without castingWell, now I have three and in one they have told me no and in another they have ghosted me, which is another no. No, no, no, but casting is terrible. And more because I had not done one for a long time, I had forgotten how terrible it is. It's a joke because you get nervous and feel vulnerable, but it hasn't hurt my ego that they don't catch me. I see you very convinced that you will always dedicate yourself to this trade. Aren't you tired? At some point it tires the fact that all your work depends on the opinion of others and external validation, but I like cinema, theater and storytelling. Maybe at some point I happen to direct or produce. But I'm always going to be an actress because it's the only thing I know how to do well in life and I really like it. I am not a person who lashes out too much, I have always done well being practical, not taking anything very personally. You can not always believe the host or that everything you do is a trick, you have to relativize. You're not always going to be brilliant or on projects you'd like to see. I have an ego and I value myself a lot, but the only thing I don't want is to hurt myself or suffer. So I do whatever it takes to protect myself and maybe my way is to relativize and be practical, to give value to my personal life.

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