"Do not read while eating: it is harmful," says the "beautiful sister" Katya to the young Mikhalkov. "Frog," the teenager Nikita Sergeevich mutters in response. So the actress of unearthly beauty and article Irina Miroshnichenko burst into Soviet cinema. She was 21 years old when she starred in "I'm walking around Moscow."

It was 1963, when the children of war born in 1942 and 1944, the real post-war generation, came to cinema, music and theater all over the world. When a real flourishing began in Soviet cinema: directors are all front-line soldiers, actors are children of war. An amazing time, which for some reason no one has analyzed from this point of view.

People after the war wanted real beauty - hence the mesmerizing beauty of the actresses of that era. And Irina Petrovna is a perfect example.

And yet, if we consider her life path, it becomes clear how the very structure of the country of the USSR is reflected in the life of a single Soviet and Russian star, which, as it were, does not exist, but there are a lot of myths about it.

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The actress's father is a junior political instructor Weinstein from Ukraine, who served in Siberia, her mother is actress Miroshnichenko with her repressed first husband, Irina Petrovna herself was born in Barnaul.

What a scale - social, geographical, dramatic - for thousands of kilometers in any direction. All this leaves an indelible imprint: you look at the "beautiful sister" Katya in the eyes in the frame - these are not the eyes of today's 21-year-old, buried in a smartphone.

There is all the premature wisdom of a generation.

And Irina Petrovna herself, despite the image of a stunning blonde, was a very serious person and, as a result, a serious actress too.

It used to be a good school: on the screen - only from the theatrical stage. Before the debut, Danelia Miroshnichenko had two roles in the Lenkom Studio, a role in the Moscow Art Theater School - she began to work on stage in 1959. At least so that today's young actors understand how it all was.

Many perceive Irina Miroshnichenko as a film actress. And in reality she has a fantastically successful career in cinema, she has a huge filmography. And do not think that she has many roles with a "foreign accent" just because she has an "unearthly image" - not at all.

And how interesting it turned out with "Winter Cherry", where the main star was Elena Safonova, under which the audience even cut their hair ... but Irina Miroshnichenko is always remembered, although she does not have the main role there at all. And a very complex image. As they would say now, contradictory. Now, when everyone remembers and writes about her, for some reason people immediately remember the image of the wife of the protagonist, who, as usual, cannot decide between women. On the one hand, she is a careerist, on the other hand, she is a worthy woman who got such an ambivalent peasant.

Do you remember that Miroshnichenko is Mary Magdalene in Andrei Rublev (1966)? Reconsider: it's time.

But Irina Petrovna worked at the Moscow Art Theater since 1965. Her last role was in Theatrical Novel (2022). At least 48 roles. With all the metamorphoses of professional development - even due to the natural maturation of the performer, not to mention the arrival of experience. Colossal experience. And if the film career of the actress developed throughout the country in plain sight, then, of course, theatrical for technical reasons was less closely considered by the broad masses of fans of talent. But this is a gigantic layer of Irina Petrovna's talent.

If there are at least some records, you need to reconsider. And thank you again. After.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.