Affected by rainfall, a highway bridge in Heilongjiang partially collapsed, and two vehicles fell in

Affected by rainfall, at about 8:3 on August 8, part of the roadbed of the bridge in the 50-10 km section of the Mudanjiang to Harbin section of the G253 Suiman Expressway (also referred to as the Hamu Expressway) was washed away by floods and collapsed, resulting in road traffic disruption. After the incident, two small vehicles fell into the road section, and the specific casualties are unknown. At present, the traffic police have arrived at the scene and implemented temporary control.

Through the real-time monitoring screen of the command center of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department, it can be seen that the 10-253 km near the Mudanjiang to Harbin direction of the Hamu section of the G254 Suiman Expressway (this section is also referred to as the Hamu Expressway) has been subject to traffic control, the bridge has partially collapsed, and the river below the road surface is turbulent. According to the reports of passers-by, less than 5 minutes after the incident (about 8:3 on August 8), the vehicle accidentally fell into the collapse. A total of one black and one white, two small vehicles crashed, the specific casualties at the scene are unknown.

From August 8, many places in Heilongjiang Province ushered in rainy weather, among which Harbin and Mudanjiang ushered in heavy rainfall. It is understood that the flood prevention and drought control headquarters of the Mudanjiang Municipal People's Government has raised the emergency response for flood control in Mudanjiang City from level four to level three at 2 o'clock on August 8.

In addition, there was also flooding in the two-way road at km 10-302 of the Hamu section of the G303 Suiman Expressway, resulting in traffic obstruction. At present, the traffic police department has implemented a two-way closure of the highway between Harbin and Mudanjiang. Traffic, traffic police and highway management are carrying out rescue work on the spot and urgently repairing damaged sections.

(Main station reporter Yang Yang, Ren Qiuyu, Peng Hailong)