Fuzhou, July 7 (Zhongxin Net) -- A few days ago, researchers from the Fujian Academy of Forestry investigated in Gancuo Village, Xilan Township, Luoyuan County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, and found that the largest natural renewal community of water pine in the country is currently the largest.

Researchers from the Fujian Academy of Forestry are conducting a background survey of the Pinus d'Or community. Photo by Liu Qiyi

Known as the "living fossil" of the plant kingdom, Pinus is a relict of the glacial age and a very small population of wild plants protected at the national level, and is listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. According to the data of the second national key protected wild plant resources survey of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, there are currently 89 distribution points of water pine in the country, with a total of 912 plants, including 573 plants in Fujian.

"Young cohorts" are rare in the country

In the long paddy field between the two mountains of Gancuo Village, there is a tall and lush water pine community.

Researchers from the Fujian Academy of Forestry placed detectors to collect environmental data such as soil moisture. Photo by Liu Qiyi

"The community covers an area of 81 acres, with a total of 76 pine plants and a certain number of seedlings." Huang Yongrong, head of the water pine project at the Fujian Academy of Forestry, told reporters that they began a comprehensive investigation of water pine resources in Fujian Province last year and came to Gancuo Village in May this year to find this water pine community.

Two mother trees are more than 20 meters tall and are initially estimated to be more than 600 years old, while three older trees are more than 400 years old. Since water pine is a protected tree species, it is not possible to make an eye in the trunk, and the age of the tree is determined according to the tree rings, and the staff can only rely on measuring the chest diameter of the tree to make a preliminary measurement.

Researchers at the Fujian Academy of Forestry measure water pine plants. Photo by Liu Qiyi

Compared with the "ancient tree", what surprised Huang Yongrong more was the discovery of a batch of seedlings. "In our investigation, we found that most of the wild populations elsewhere are aging and declining, with poor natural regeneration and hindered reproduction. And 87% of the plants have a breast diameter of less than 20 cm and are young trees, indicating that the community of water pine is very young and has strong natural renewal ability, which is rare in the country. ”

According to the data of the second national key protected wild plant resources survey of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, this is the largest natural renewal community of water pine in China, which provides a good research sample for the protection and rescue of water pine species, and has important scientific research value.

Why is this water pine community strong in natural renewal? Huang Yongrong's team is conducting in-depth research, they have come to Gancuo Village six times to conduct field surveys on each water pine, determine the breast diameter, tree height, crown width, plant health, latitude and longitude data, video photos and other data, and establish an archive and digital monitoring and protection management system for the water pine community.

Protecting the "auspicious tree" for generations

To the surprise of the researchers, this water pine grows in the paddy field, next to the village road, there are many human interference factors, but why can it be so well protected? The answer is that the local villagers and the government have a strong awareness of ecological protection and strong protection efforts.

In Gancuo Village, the villagers did not know that this water pine was a "national treasure", but they have always regarded it as an "auspicious tree" and "feng shui tree" and have been protected by their ancestors for generations. Gan Shengliang, secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Gancuo Village, said that when the ancestors of Gancuo Village migrated here, two water pine mother trees already existed, so the earliest natural village was called "Shubi"; Villagers have passed on their awareness of conservation for generations, and avoid water pine when farming and grazing to make room for water pine to grow.

In 2016, the Luoyuan County Government listed 253 ancient and famous trees, including the mother tree of water pine, and implemented the strictest protection measures. The continuous comprehensive management of the ecological environment also provides a good environmental foundation for the survival of this water pine community.

In recent years, Luoyuan has shut down 117 finishing granite mines in the county, and continued to implement the Lintian, Lake and grass ecological protection and restoration and comprehensive treatment projects of water pine communities in the "Three Streams and Multiple Watersheds" of Xilan, Feizhu and Huokou, providing a good surrounding environment and high-quality water sources for the water pine community.

After the discovery of the water pine community, Luoyuan County set up a water pine forest nature conservation community, in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations, to reduce human interference and strengthen protection and management. In order to strengthen protection, Luoyuan County Forestry Bureau signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Fujian Academy of Forestry to strengthen cooperation in science and technology project declaration, water pine protection community planning, and talent training.

At present, Luoyuan County is strengthening publicity and education science popularization work, giving full play to the unique advantages of water pine wild community resources, combining protection with science popularization and education and ecological civilization education, building a Luoyuan ecological science popularization and education base, and promoting the development of rural tourism.

Continue to polish the characteristic ecological business card

In recent years, Luoyuan County has continued to promote the construction of ecological civilization, in addition to water pine, mangroves, curly-feathered pelicans, herons and other characteristic ecological business cards have been continuously polished.

In order to strengthen the ecological protection and restoration of wetlands, Luoyuan County began to carry out the work of alterniflora grass removal and mangrove forest since 2012, and strive to build a coastal green ecological barrier. During the construction period, the "three difficulties" such as difficulty in land use, weeding and survival were overcome, and a total of 5984,2293 mu of alterniflora rice grass was removed and <>,<> mu of mangrove forest was planted.

At present, mangrove forests are becoming a beautiful landscape of Luoyuan Bay, playing an important ecological role in windbreak berm, water conservation and other aspects, and also laying a good foundation for building a wetland park with mangroves as the main body, building a wetland landscape, and developing wetland science to popularize rural tourism.

Luoyuan Bay is the main wintering place and post station of the first-class protected animal curly-feathered pelican, attracting a large number of domestic birdwatching and photography enthusiasts to gather in Luoyuan Bay to watch birds and protect birds, and open the ecological business card of "the hometown of China's curly-feathered pelicans".

In order to strengthen the ecological restoration of Luoyuan Bay coastal wetland and the protection of curly feathered pelicans, Luoyuan County compiled the "Luoyuan Bay Coastal Wetland Park Planning Plan (2021-2030)", built Luoyuan Bay Curly Feather Pelican Park, and included 5000,<> mu of wetlands in Songshan Lake in Binhai into the management of the reserve; At the same time, it plans to generate a special debt project of "Luoyuan Bay coastal wetland habitat restoration", and carries out a series of engineering construction such as habitat restoration and improvement of protection facilities.

In order to continuously improve ecological stability and biodiversity, Luo Yuan adheres to the integrated protection and systematic governance of landscapes, forests, lakes and grasslands, and in 2022, Luo Yuan formulated the "Implementation Plan for the Protection and Restoration of Landscapes, Forests, Lakes and Grasses in the Ao River Basin (Luoyuan Section)", with a total investment of 8815.<> million yuan, focusing on the comprehensive improvement project of the water environment in the Ao River Basin (Luoyuan Section), taking into account the precise improvement of forest quality, the improvement of mine slag yards, the improvement of agricultural land quality, the construction of ecological corridors and biodiversity conservation. (End)