At present, colleges and universities have entered the stage of graduates leaving school, and submitting resumes, running job fairs, and participating in interviews may become the daily life of many fresh graduates. How can I find the job I want? On 7 July, a reporter from the China News Agency came to Beijing to hold a job fair in Beijing to promote the employment of college graduates.

【Commentary】The job fair was crowded, and many fresh graduates held resumes and exchanged consultations in front of various booths. During the interview, they generally said that they had been confused when applying for a job, but the current job intention has gradually become clear.

【During the same period】Job seeker Guo

I studied ecology and am now a recent graduate student. I saw some posts related to ecology, basically like the domestic or biased towards this kind of geological investigation, as well as the treatment of environmental pollution. The main investigation we studied before was about the kind of paleontology, like ancient climate change, so the difference is still very large. So I personally am also considering continuing to find a position related to biotechnology in my undergraduate (study) and continue to study further.

【Contemporaneous】Job seeker Wang

My major is finance. Head securities or central securities (companies), including banks, they for academic (required) graduate students. Since I am not in graduate school yet, I see if I can work in some medium-sized enterprises for a few years and learn new knowledge.

【Commentary】In addition, compared with salary and treatment, job seekers pay more attention to the working atmosphere and career development space of the enterprise.

【During the same period】Job seeker Guo

The most important thing is the development of a career, I also want to be able to have a deeper improvement of myself, and the salary package must be corresponding.

【Contemporaneous】Job seeker Wang

The first is to hope to be professional, the second is the development space of this enterprise, and the third is the working environment. In fact, what I value most may be the environment of the company, I hope to get along well and improve my happiness.

【Commentary】The job fair site is divided into finance, science and technology, medicine, human resources, cultural and creative and other exhibition areas, attracting a total of 60 family units to participate in the fair, and will provide more than 1200,<> jobs. A number of employers said that the job fair was very rewarding.

【During the same period】Employer recruiter Mr. Feng

The main recruitment positions are technology delivery and research and development. Today's student resumes are still of good quality, and the students are very enthusiastic, and the effect is still very good.

【During the same period】Employer recruiter Ms. Shen

Sales management, and some human resources, and some post-back-end functional management positions. At present, the resumes received are still considerable, and there should be more than 50 now. There are some positions and candidates' resumes that are more in line with our needs.

The reporter found that most positions are more inclined to job seekers with professional counterparts and strong subjective initiative. Recruiters also said that job seekers should calm down and combine interests, abilities, and values in the job search process to find a job that really suits them.

【During the same period】Employer recruiter Mr. Feng

Be sure to prepare in advance, do planning, first see what you want to do, and look for it at a fixed point. If you are still a little confused, I recommend doing some internships first, go to more interviews, accumulate more practical experience, and slowly you may find your own direction.

【During the same period】Employer recruiter Ms. Shen

Your own ability and professional knowledge must have a high degree of matching with your own choice, rather than aimlessly throwing in the sea. At the same time, I think that when choosing a job, you must first choose the industry, and then choose the platform, a good industry and a good platform can shape a better self.

【Commentary】This job fair is a parallel activity of the Beijing Human Resource Service Innovation and Development Competition and the Beijing Summit of the National Human Resource Service Industrial Park. On the same day, the strategic cooperation of the export alliance of Beijing Chaoyang District Human Resources Service Export Base was also officially launched, which will effectively strengthen the competitiveness of human resource service exports and cultivate new advantages in international competition and cooperation.

Reporting by reporters Lang Jiahui and Lu Shaowei from Beijing

Responsible Editor: [Lu Yan]