On the one hand, large-scale international brand theme parks are highly sought after by tourists with their distinctive theme planning and rich entertainment facilities; On the other hand, the Guochao IP theme scenic spots, which are full of Chinese cultural elements, have made continuous efforts in the fields of night tours, parent-child, and science and technology through various immersive activity interactive scenes, and have also become a highlight of summer travel. Industry analysis, the reason behind the "out of the circle" of Guochao IP is that it understands users, has technology, and is good at integration, and the Guochao IP theme park is expected to usher in a turning point in the future and create a beautiful Chinese tide landscape.

Text, photo/Guangzhou Daily all-media reporter Luo Lei Correspondent Wang Huabei Gong Pei Wang Jian (except signature)


National Chao IP Theme Tour "Out of the Circle"

From Hanfu, to blind boxes, to Tang poetry, the Guochao IP scene is becoming more and more popular among young people, and many tourist destinations such as Shaanxi, Henan, Sichuan and Guochao IP scenic spots have ushered in a large flow of tourists in the summer.

Recently, the hit screening of the movie "Chang'an 7,8 Li" has added a fire to the tourism economy of Xi'an, where the film is collected. According to retail platform Meituan data, since the launch of "Chang'an 28,347 Li" on July 11, various local business data in Xi'an have been eye-catching. In terms of tickets, the number of tourist orders from tourists outside the province increased by more than 6 times year-on-year. Meituan data shows that since the release of the movie, the search for the Meituan platform of the scenic spot "Datang Never Sleeps City" has increased by 7% year-on-year, and the search volume of public reviews has increased by more than 2 times year-on-year. Riding the east wind of "Chang'an Fever", Xi'an Qujiang New Area, together with Fliggy Travel and the film producer of "Chang'an <>,<> Li", launched <> summer study routes with the same IP. The summer cultural tourism consumption coupon of Qujiang New Area was also launched simultaneously on Fliggy on July <>.

The reporter learned that in addition to international big-name and mobile game theme parks, the popularity and revenue data of national tide scenic spots during this summer's vacation have also soared. According to Ctrip's data, as of July 7, the number of theme park ticket orders since the summer of 17 has increased by more than 2023% year-on-year, and theme parks with more national IP characteristics and more local characteristics have been popular, such as Huai'an West Amusement Park, Nanning Fangte ASEAN God Painting, and Xiangyuan Flower World.

In fact, this national tide IP fever has long spread. Since the "May Day" holiday this year, Changchun Zoological and Botanical Park has been popular because of the nighttime "Journey to the West Theme Park", and netizens have jokingly called Changchun Zoological and Botanical Park "Northeast Disney". After the launch of the night tour program, the number of tourists increased by 4% in April this year compared to 2019.

In addition, the reporter learned from Jiangsu Huai'an Westward Journey Group that during the "May Day" period, the group received a total of 15,8467 tourists, and the total revenue accounted for nearly 50% of the total tourism income of A-level scenic spots in Huai'an City.

Behind the "out of the loop"

Reason 1: Immersive scene experience journey Cultural IP social platform fission spread

According to a relevant person on an online travel platform, Datang Never Sleeps City is based on the Tang Dynasty culture, and since 2019, it has successively created a number of cultural IPs such as "Little Sister Tumbler", "Brother Stone", "Xu Hezi" and "Li Bai", relying on the network platform to achieve fission-type transmission, and "out of the circle" through the strength of the Tang Dynasty experience tour of immersive historical scenes. In the city that never sleeps, various characters who break the dimensional wall stage scene performances in the city neighborhood that never sleeps every day and interact with tourists. Datang Never Sleeps City has further upgraded the tourism mode of "Datang culture + local characteristics + immersive scene", allowing tourists to collide between history and modernity, feel the power of cultural confidence, unique play experience and tourism sense, and achieve Xi'an's unique urban IP - "Night Tour Chang'an". Today, "Datang Never Sleeps City" is not only a landmark cultural tourism project in Xi'an, but also one of the important representatives of China's cultural tourism brand.

In addition, in many regional markets in China, some fares are relatively cheap, and theme scenic spots that trigger nostalgic topics are also very popular.

Jilin Changchun Zoological and Botanical Park launched a series of night tours with the theme of "Dream Westward Journey Season - Night Tour Zoo", which is very popular. Many tourists go to Jiangsu Huai'an West Amusement Park to experience "immersive journey to the west". Huai'an is the hometown of Wu Chengen, author of "Journey to the West". The local area has also launched cultural and creative products such as "Journey to the West Blind Box", and launched summer-themed dishes such as "Qiaotou Ribs" and "Bajie Ice Cream" to effectively stimulate the vitality of consumption in scenic spots.

Reason 2: Consumers are becoming more and more culturally confident Scenic spots continue to innovate and improve services

Ren Guocai, vice president of Scenic Donkey Mother Group and vice president of China Theme Park Research Institute, believes that the popularity of Guochao IP theme parks is directly related to the background of the times when Chinese consumers are becoming more and more culturally confident and favoring traditional culture, and it is also directly related to the above cultural tourism enterprises on the basis of learning from the experience and methods of international excellent theme parks, constantly innovating and improving products and services, and launching a large number of immersive, young and social products and services, which finally won the hearts of Chinese consumers.

In contrast, some international IP brand theme parks are slower or even do not connect with the "local gas", resulting in a decline in the love and loyalty of international IP brand theme parks.

Ren Guocai said that in recent years, Chinese cultural tourism enterprises have created a number of innovative cases to become model projects in the industry in terms of combining national tides, extending the industrial chain and secondary consumption, such as Dalian Xiongdong Street Cultural and Commercial Tourism Complex, Luoyang "Supreme Dragon Gate" Digital Experience Hall, Xiangyang Tangcheng Scenic Area, Fangte Oriental God Painting Scenic Area, Shanghai "Exploring the Secret Classic of Mountains and Seas" immersive art exhibition, etc.

Reason 3: Digital technology + trendy play creativity Offline theme parks have been upgraded

In addition to traditional cultural elements, technology and trendy play have also continuously enriched the connotation of national tide IP, becoming one of the innovative directions of China's scenic spots.

High-tech interaction, parent-child scenes and other fields have become another track for the development of domestic theme parks. The Guangdong Nanhu Amusement Park renovation project located in Baiyun District, Guangzhou has entered the implementation stage. The new Nanhu Amusement Park will integrate immersive amusement, light and shadow night tours, and scientific and technological research.

In addition, the theme park industry welcomes new entrants. Recently, authorized by iQIYI, iQIYI and Beijing Shiyuan Company jointly built iQIYI Qibabu Park began trial operation. The park is targeted at parent-child families with children aged 3~12. Recently, it has been reported in the industry that the first offline theme park of Bubble Mart will officially open in Chaoyang Park in Beijing in September.

Voice of the industry

How to go about the future national tide IP theme tour?

IP creation should be down-to-earth

Professor Dong Guanzhi, a well-known tourism scholar and doctoral supervisor of Shenzhen Institute of Tourism of Jinan University, believes that it is too early for national chao IP theme parks to approach or even surpass international brand theme parks. The essence of IP is part of the merchant's marketing strategy, IP creation should be down-to-earth, if it is a false, pure business planning IP, it is just a flash in the pan.

Rejection of simple "take-ism"

Professor Li Jun, director of the Department of Convention and Exhibition Economics and Management, School of Tourism Management, South China Normal University, said that with the increase in the importance of domestic self-created content, Guochao IP may gain a larger market share in theme parks. The reason behind it is that it understands users, has technology, and is good at integration, and the combination of national chao IP and theme parks is expected to usher in a turning point in the future and create a beautiful Chinese tide landscape.

He said that many local theme parks in China rely on their unique cultural heritage, dig deep into the connotation of local traditional culture, make every effort to build their Chinese own cultural IP theme parks, and explore a new model of "Chinese culture + trendy IP" integrated theme park development.

Compared with the traditional international IP brand theme park, the national chao IP combined theme park has three advantages: cultural people, travel to the heart; Differentiated positioning to avoid homogenization circles; To dig deep into local cultural IP to monetize, refuse to simply "take the doctrine".

Domestic consumers are spending more and more on spiritual aspects such as culture and entertainment. Li Jun suggested that the development of the national chao IP theme park should be both original and flavorful; It is necessary to be independent and win-win cooperation; It is necessary to have traffic in online marketing and increase "retention" in offline services.

Journalist observation

Do "keep" instead of traffic

2023 is a big year for the recovery of cultural tourism consumption. The popularity of the summer tourism market has also attracted the attention of all kinds of capital and society, and various theme parks and national tide gameplay and other topics have emerged one after another. However, theme parks are still a category with large investment, long return period and high revenue pressure, and the balance between asset-heavy investment and asset-light operation is a challenge for all operators, and structural contradictions are still prominent and need to be treated with caution.

Traffic comes and goes fast. Guochao IP theme park because of its flexibility, relatively small volume, faster market response speed, and achieved certain results, but in order to have increments and do "retention", it is also necessary to learn from the experience of international brand theme parks, find the correct positioning, strengthen long-term development thinking, continuously improve independent cultural and creative capabilities, strengthen copyright awareness, through telling good stories, doing deep consumption scenarios, creating good products and word of mouth, forming long-term competitiveness and achieving sustainable development.

You know

National Chao IP theme tour

As the "post-90s" and "post-00s" young people have become mainstream consumer groups, buying national trendy products, checking in in the ancient style cultural city, wearing Hanfu every day, and experiencing tea brewing around the stove... Keywords about the Chinese style lifestyle have set off waves of enthusiasm on multiple social platforms, which is expressed as a cultural trend and also hides an economic opportunity.

In the cultural tourism sector, many destinations and scenic spots have refined the essence from the magnificent treasure house of Chinese culture, and interpreted cultural IP such as intangible cultural heritage in modern technology and trendy ways. High-quality themed festivals and scenes are planned, allowing visitors to fully feel the unique charm of combining traditional culture and modern life.