【Commentary】Recently, Ma Che Rencuo, a senior high school graduate who lives in Xiazangke Township, Gander County, Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, who lives at an average altitude of 4200,100 meters, successfully passed the preliminary, re-examination and final examination of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and was admitted to the vocal singing (folk voice) major of the vocal music and opera department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music with an excellent score of <> points exceeding the admission score line of the college entrance examination cultural course. After waiting for several days, she finally received an undergraduate acceptance letter from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

【During the same period】 A senior graduate of Guoluo Prefecture Nationalities Senior High School Ma Che Rencuo

When checking the results, I didn't check during the day, I felt a little scared or a little nervous, I slept alone at night, secretly checked in the bed, that is, it was very happy to be able to get on the score line, but on our side, the traffic on the pastoral side was not very convenient, and then I felt that the score line was enough, but (worried) the admission notice had not been solved (received), and now I am very happy to receive it.

Ma Che Rencuo told reporters that her family's summer grassland had poor communication and long distances, so she had to leave the school's address and ask the teacher to help sign for it. Holding the acceptance letter, Ma Che Rencuo's thoughts also drifted back to a year ago. She said that when she first stepped into the gate of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, she was cramped and nervous on the campus, looking at the beautiful buildings around her, and vaguely heard pleasant melodies coming from inside, but she felt that the campus was very large and she was very small. And now, being able to get the admission letter smoothly is like a dream.

【During the same period】Liu Zhaolu, member of the Party Committee of Shanghai Conservatory of Music and director of the orchestra department

Macher Rincuo can be seen, and even more audible, the kind of completely unpolished, very pure, very simple national song, I believe this is the most moving.

It is understood that the Shanghai Conservatory of Music is the earliest professional institution of higher learning in China to begin to cultivate ethnic minority vocal talents. During the National "Two Sessions" in 2020, Liao Changyong, then a deputy to the National People's Congress and president of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, proposed to continue to pay attention to the education of ethnic minority music talents. Since 2020, the Shanghai Conservatory of Music has continued to carry out the "Cultural Runbian" ethnic minority art talent training program in Guoluo Prefecture, Qinghai Province, and Mache Rentso has become the first student admitted to the school since the <>th year of Shanghai Counterpart Aid to Qingqing.

【Commentary】 Ma Che Rencuo told reporters that from sitting in the classroom and following her mobile phone to learn songs by herself when preparing for the art exam, to correcting vocal methods and improving her performance state with the excavation and help of the professional team of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music a year ago, she gradually gained confidence and confidence.

Li Peng, member of the Party Committee of the Guoluo Prefecture Education Bureau, and principal of the Guoluo Prefecture Nationalities Senior High School

The whole youth aid team, including our local teachers, the local state party committee and state government, with their strong support, we combined this child with her characteristics all the way, and opened such a training for her in national vocal music, after passing the professional re-examination of "Shangyin", our youth aid team strengthened her cultural class, so on the basis of efforts in all aspects, finally this child was successfully admitted to the undergraduate class of national vocal music of Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

【Commentary】The Guoluo Prefecture Nationalities Senior High School where Ma Che Rentso is located is one of the three schools in Shanghai that support Guoluo Prefecture. Under the careful guidance and nurturing of teachers from the two places, some of the students who took the art and sports professional examination with her this year were admitted to the dance department of Beijing Sport University, and some entered Nanchang Institute of Physical Education.

Jiu Mai Tenzin, director of the Education Bureau of Guolo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture

In this year's college entrance examination, the online rate of special students (Guoluo Prefecture) also reached 64%, an increase of 30 percentage points over last year, it can be said that the aid teachers have built a coherent training system for these students who have specialties, potential, and development space.

【Commentary】In Ma Che Rencuo's hometown, it is a daily life to whip horses and sing on the grassland. For her, this acceptance letter is "a window" that allows her to see "the outside world" and is also like "a fire", reflecting a strong heart that she never knew she had.

【Commentary】After sharing the joy with her family, Ma Che Rincuo sang "Hada to a Distant Friend" on the hillside in front of her home, her song had the wind of the grassland, the flowing river, and in the "notes" of nature, she seemed to hear herself playing and singing as a child.

Offering, dedication, Hada to you, I offer Hada to you, Hada to you, Hada to friends from afar.

Reporting by reporters Zhou Ruichenzi, Pan Yujie, Qi Miao, and Qinghai Guoluo

Responsible Editor: [Chen Haifeng]