【During the same period】Ding Ning, a 2021 master's student of Peking University

Whenever they communicate, students often take out their mobile phones to add WeChat friends. The address books of many students in the group have increased significantly. When we meet, we must strive to see each other as soon as possible, and the family must come and go often.

【Commentary】At the invitation of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation, 37 teachers and students from five mainland universities began their visit trip to Taiwan from July 7 to 15. This is the first time in more than three years that mainland universities have organized delegations to Taiwan for exchanges. On July 23, teachers and students who returned to Beijing shared what they saw and thought, and in the eyes of the students, in the nine days, wherever the teacher and student group went, they could always feel the warmth and touching of Taiwan compatriots in the subtleties.

【During the same period】Ding Ning, a 2021 master's student of Peking University

During the interview, I mentioned in passing that I like to eat pineapple crisp and mochi, so we added a lot of small desserts in various packages to our group's luggage. The owner of a restaurant learned that he was going to receive us, especially from Shanghai and sea camelin, personally wrapped and rolled out dumpling skins, and served us plates of authentic dumplings. The old people in the night market heard that we were from the mainland and took a photo with us excitedly.

【During the same period】Peking University student Chen Shiwan

(I heard) A group of mainland students went to a restaurant, and the boss saw that it was a mainland classmate and quickly said, "Add two dishes for free." At the time, I thought it might be a serendipitous story, but I didn't expect that such a similar scene would reappear again and again in us during this journey. For example, milk tea from Dadaocheng and roasted corn in the night market. It may simply be one meal at a time, but behind this is the profound feelings and connections that have been shared by generations of compatriots on both sides of the strait for decades, with the same roots and the same language.

【Commentary】This time, young people on both sides of the strait not only "checked in" many landmark attractions, but also had the opportunity to play folk music together and compete in ball skills. While feeling the common national memory, it also enhances emotional connection through stylistic bridges.

【During the same period】Ding Ning, a 2021 master's student of Peking University

Because many classmates will say that maybe I played table tennis when I was young, or my family likes table tennis very much, so today I definitely want to take a picture with you and go back to show my parents. In fact, although these connections are very detailed, they are actually some of the best beginnings for both of us.

【During the same period】Peking University student Chen Kaidi

What impressed me the most was the clip of me and two classmates improvising "A Laugh in the Sea". Although we just met that morning, this tacit understanding also quickly allowed us present to establish a kind of spiritual and emotional empathy and communion.

During the exchanges, young people on both sides of the strait discovered many common topics and gained a more comprehensive and three-dimensional understanding of each other, and at the same time there were many surprises of "reunion of old friends", and many students once again met Taiwanese students who visited the mainland with Mr. Ma Ying-jeou in March.

【During the same period】Wuhan University student Zhang Yumeng

He also came to Wuhan University for an exchange, and I told him that I was the same classmate who answered the question at that time. He said to me, "Yes, then I was the one who asked you at the time." "I really feel very happy, there is a feeling of reuniting old friends. In addition to the more ordinary weather, traffic, customs, and customs, one of the topics we talk about most often is actually our place of origin. As we chatted, we would often find that Taiwanese classmates would tell us that their ancestors would tell them that their roots were somewhere on the mainland, and our roots were actually in the same place.

【During the same period】Hunan University student Li Yiqi

For example, in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", we found that everyone is a "Zhen scholar" and can have very hot exchanges. It also makes me feel that there are indeed many common topics among young people on both sides of the strait, and they can achieve a lot of resonance in their views on many things.

During the visit, many mainland students left a deep impression on Taiwan's media and the public, and the students also hoped to continue to respond to the common expectations of the two sides of the strait with practical actions.

【During the same period】Peking University student Chen Shiwan

Indeed, this time we went to Taiwan and received a lot of attention from Taiwan media and mainland media, and we could even brush ourselves when we went back to the hotel to watch the news. Among them, I think there is a clip, that is, "Mainland students discuss the difference between Giant Bicycle Exhibition Hall and TSMC Innovation Hall in 85 seconds", and some teachers and friends will say that you are the girl who "85 seconds is different" during meals. I think that through this, we can also reflect the attention of Taiwan compatriots to us, the importance of young people, and the curiosity of Taiwanese compatriots. Our young classmates can also share more of what they have seen, heard, thought, and felt, so that more "85 seconds" will appear on the front page headlines on both sides of the strait.

【Commentary】The nine-day and eight-night trip to Taiwan, many students are still unfinished, and the exchange will not end here. When young people on both sides of the strait meet the next time they meet, they will also tell more people the story of "going in both directions."

【During the same period】Fudan University student Hu Xue

Just like one of our friends on the team said, it feels good to come to Taiwan as a guest, but it feels better to be a family.

【During the same period】Peking University student Chen Kaidi

At our farewell dinner, one of our last choruses was "Goodbye" by Zhang Zhenyue. That is, I will firmly remember their faces, I will cherish the thoughts they gave me, these nine days and eight nights will never be erased in my heart, looking forward to seeing everyone again.

Reporting by reporters Cheng Yu and Zhu He from Beijing

Responsible Editor: [Fu Zihao]