Beijing, July 7 ( -- Earlier, an incident in Wanda Plaza on Hongqi Street, Changchun City, Jilin Province, which caused the unfortunate death of a 25-year-old woman due to throwing bricks in the air, has made the latest progress.

On July 7, Ms. Lou, a family member of the victim, provided with a notice of appraisal opinion issued by the police, which showed that the suspect was not mentally ill when he was involved in the case, and that the capacity for criminal responsibility at the time of involvement was assessed as full criminal responsibility.

Ms. Lou said that the case has now been submitted to the procuratorate, and she will continue to pursue the responsibility of the criminals and relevant units.

A notice of appraisal opinion issued by the police provided by the victim's family

The suspect was not mentally ill at the time of the crime, and had previously had thoughts of suicide

Ms. Lou once asked the police what the person who killed her sister looked like.

On July 7, Ms. Lou, the victim's sister, said in an interview with that the police told her that the suspect was a Jiangxi man in his 12s. The suspect's family members said that the suspect had a mental illness, and the police had to conduct a psychiatric evaluation.

More than 10 days passed, Ms. Lou waited for the results of the evaluation, and the suspect was not mentally ill when he was involved in the case and had full criminal responsibility.

"It's sad and lamentable, a normal person has repeatedly committed crimes, and finally brutally killed an innocent girl." Ms. Lou said that she and her elderly parents were close to collapse, and her mother lost the idea of living several times. But they did not receive an apology from the suspect's family. The other party had told the criminal police that the family conditions were not good and provided psychiatric cases.

Before the crime, the suspect had the idea of suicide. This is information that Ms. Lou learned from the police.

The man in his twenties had just been in Changchun for more than a dozen days and was living in a daily rental house in Wanda Apartment. Before the crime, the other party climbed up to the 33rd floor many times with the aim of committing suicide by jumping off the building, but he retreated because he was too high and threw bricks downstairs instead. After the crime, he told the police: "Now you can shoot me."

Lan Tianbin, a senior partner at Jiangsu Fade Dongheng Law Firm, told that from the perspective of the Criminal Law, if the circumstances are serious, the person who throws objects from buildings or other heights shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than one year, criminal detention or surveillance, and a fine or both. Where the acts mentioned in the preceding paragraph also constitute other crimes, they shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions on heavier punishments.

In other words, high-altitude projectiles may be suspected of multiple crimes, which should be judged by comprehensive behavior, consequences and social danger, in addition to the crime of high-altitude projectiles, it may also be suspected of intentional homicide, intentional injury, manslaughter, serious injury, and dangerous methods endangering public safety. Where multiple crimes are constituted at the same time, one felony shall be punished. Lan Tianbin said.

The picture shows the family of the victim at Wanda Plaza on Hongqi Street, Changchun City, Jilin Province

The family questioned whether the tragedy could have been avoided and the units concerned would be held accountable

After the incident, Ms. Lou went to the apartment to investigate and found that the 33rd-floor apartment had a lot of bricks and tiles piled up in the corridor above the 30th floor.

In her view, this tragedy is not inevitable. Ms. Lou learned from various sources that shortly before her sister was killed, the suspect repeatedly threw drink bottles, bricks and other items from the upper floors of the apartment where she lived.

On June 6, the suspect threw objects from two heights, throwing buckets and unopened cans of Coke, including one of which hit a young woman. Ms. Lou said the woman then called the police, but somehow the police did not identify the suspect until her sister had an accident.

Between 6 and 22 p.m. on June 9, about an hour before his sister's accident, the suspect threw objects down from the sky twice.

"Why wasn't the corridor cleaned of bricks, tiles, and flower pots in time so that the murderer could easily carry a dangerous object? After the first few high-altitude projectiles were alarmed, why was the suspect not found through monitoring in time? ”

She asked the person in charge of the property these questions, but the reply given by the other party was that the items were all decorated by the residents, and the property was not responsible, and suggested that the legal route should be taken.

Lan Tianbin said that building managers such as property service enterprises should take necessary safety measures to prevent the occurrence of high-altitude projectiles; Where necessary security measures are not taken, tort liability for failure to perform security obligations shall be borne in accordance with law. In other words, the property also has the obligation to remind and check high-altitude projectiles, and if it does not fulfill its safety and security obligations, it must also bear corresponding responsibilities.

"The night market, the property, Wanda, the public safety management department, the police, etc. are all responsible in this preventable case." Ms. Lou said that the case has now been submitted to the procuratorate, and she will continue to pursue the responsibility of the criminals and relevant units. (End)