Beijing, July 7 (Zhongxin Net) -- "'Snow Leopard and Her Friends' makes people cry for the tenacity of life. They live according to the rhythm of nature and will always be in the bosom of nature. Recently, for the movie "Snow Leopard and Her Friends", someone gave the above evaluation.

The reporter learned from the organizers that since July 7, the movie "Snow Leopard and Her Friends" has been screened in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities, showing the treasure "Animal Heavenly Group" from the snowy plateau.

"Snow Leopard and Her Friends". Photo courtesy of the film

It is reported that Xi Zhinong, a famous Chinese wildlife photographer, served as the director of the film, spending 6 years squatting in the high-altitude snowy mountain environment, looking around, shooting and recording the life of snow leopards, and capturing many precious images up close.

In fact, "Snow Leopard and Her Friends" is not limited to focusing on the snow leopard as an animal, but uses it as its core, depicting a whole beautiful picture of the communion and coexistence between different animals and animals, and between humans and animals.

In the vast snowfield, the snow leopard appeared. Their alertness and agility make their whereabouts unpredictable, and their eyes are shining in the dark night, as if they are always announcing the dignity and majesty of the "King of Snowy Mountains".

The snow leopard's highland companions are also very interesting. Cute Tibetan foxes are frolicking, pikas flash through the field at lightning speed, and yaks run in groups to roll up smoke and dust, full of primitive life tension.

After the screening, the audience shared their feelings about watching "Snow Leopard and Her Friends". Some viewers said that the "milky and fierce" little snow leopard turned everyone over; After watching the movie, I have a deeper thinking about animals and nature conservation.

Some people also said that they like the "Tibetan Fox Family" and the "Plateau Conspicuous Bag" family with a good family atmosphere, which has given them a lot of comfort and enlightenment.

It is reported that the movie "Snow Leopard and Her Friends" is scheduled to be released nationwide on August 8. (End)