In the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, the Koran was burned last week - following a similar blasphemy in neighboring Sweden. The Danish government has expressed routine regrets, but the price is low.

For some reason, Europe considers itself the most civilized part of the world, yet there have always been very serious doubts about this, and in recent years they have been growing. Let me remind you that even in the Middle Ages, European travelers were struck by the habit of Russians to wash regularly, because the average European did not have such a habit. On the contrary, the "advanced" European science of those times considered washing to be the main cause of all diseases.

And how many historical relics were destroyed by European colonialists - just for fun or melted down for gold. And there is no need to go far into the Middle Ages. Napoleon, while retreating from Moscow, tried to blow up the Kremlin. Not out of military necessity, no, just to. And now let's try to remember that the "Russian barbarians" deliberately destroyed historical relics - both in Europe and in Asia? For some reason, I don't remember.

What is happening now in Europe is, in fact, a revival of the very barbarism inherent in the West and contempt for both foreign culture and its own history. The burning of the Koran is on a par with attempts to ban and abolish European and American classical authors for their "sexism" and "racism."

The barbarian simply cannot realize the value of what he does not understand, what goes beyond his extremely narrow perception of the world. Young Europeans have been taught that racism is bad and non-traditional attitudes are good. And now they believe that everything that does not correspond to this should be destroyed. So that there is no psychological trauma.

At the same time, a reverent attitude to one's own cozy little world is accompanied by total contempt and disregard for someone else's. Leftists who burn the Koran feel like very brave fighters against the patriarchal world, not realizing that they are causing serious suffering to hundreds of millions of people.

Infantilism is another inherent feature of modern barbarians. They stopped in their emotional development at the level of a preschool child who may feel sorry for a cat or dog, but does not understand when he hurts another person. On the contrary, he tries to do something unpleasant for his parents to get their attention.

The only problem is that the neo-barbarians have no parents left. No one is going to treat them with understanding, wipe their noses and change diapers. The recent series of pogroms in France has shown that the degree of organization of the pogromists is increasing and each time they are achieving more and more success in destroying public order.

If the situation continues to develop in the same direction, then following the current cultural barbarism, Europe will slide into a very real barbarism - with a war of all against all and the inability to safely leave one's own neighborhood, or even one's own home.

And by the way, the first victims of this "brave new world" will be those who are now burning the Korans and going to rallies in support of the transition from kindergarten. The real barbarians will destroy the cultured neo-barbarians in the first place, as they always did during the fall of empires pampered by their superiority, and there is not the slightest reason why history should develop differently this time.

Actually, the inability to draw conclusions from its own history has led Western Europe to the deplorable state in which it is now.

Forgetting its Christian roots, forgetting the politicians and thinkers who called for building Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok, forgetting that the source of prosperity is diversity and synthesis of cultures, and not reducing the entire world culture to the principle of "black transgender people are good, white men are bad", the West has completely lost any support, foundation, roots.

Even in the Middle Ages, European barbarism was balanced by the enlightenment and culture of monasteries, from which, in case anyone has forgotten, many scientists and educators emerged. And now that's it - there are no checks and balances left.

Well, that's their choice. And those Europeans who do not like what is happening in their countries can come to Russia, as it was a couple of centuries ago. In addition, we again need to re-develop Novorossia.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.