Beijing, July 7 (Zhongxin Net) -- The sixth "Golden Thrush Children's Drama Exhibition" opened at the Grand Theater of the National Theatre of China on 25 July. The show will run until July 24, with more than 7,27 children presenting more than 1800 works.

Live performance of the 6th "Golden Thrush Children's Drama Exhibition". Photo courtesy of the organizing committee of the 6th "Golden Thrush Children's Drama Exhibition"

With the theme of "Play, Childlike Heart, Gathering and Future", more than 26,100 children from more than 1800 primary and secondary schools, kindergartens and drama clubs in 140 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country made a wonderful appearance with more than <> plays. The repertoire covers dramas, musicals, drama recitations, etc., including "Beacon Xia'er Troupe", "Zhao Yiman" and "The Eternal Airwave" and other red revolutionary themes to commemorate heroes and soldiers and carry forward the spirit of patriotism, as well as themes such as "Chinese Classics" and "Dongpo Family Style" to inherit and promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture, as well as realistic themes close to life such as "The Secret in the Mobile Phone" and "My Mother is a Fairy", sending high-quality children's drama performances to the audience and focusing on the achievements of children's drama education in China.

At the opening ceremony, six strategic cooperation signing ceremonies were also held. Among them, the Performing Arts Working Committee of China Cultural Management Association signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Jiangsu Suxian Cinema Line Co., Ltd., and signed a framework cooperation agreement signing ceremony with China Performance Cinema Development Co., Ltd., and the two sides will be committed to building exchanges and cooperation in the performance sector, talent training and art education popularization. The China Cultural Management Association signed strategic cooperation agreements with China National Theatre and China Oriental Performing Arts Group, which will also give full play to the social education function of art troupes and the leading role of art popularization and training, and will play a pivotal role in the improvement of art education in the future. The release of the musical theater performance examination project of the Social and Art Level Examination of the China Cultural Management Association was also released at the scene, and the unveiling ceremony of the Golden Thrush Children's Theater Troupe established by the Children's Drama Committee of the China Children's Literature Research Association was held.

Golden Thrush Children's Theatre Company unveiled at the opening ceremony of the 6th "Golden Thrush Children's Theater Exhibition". Photo courtesy of the organizing committee of the 6th "Golden Thrush Children's Drama Exhibition"

This year's exhibition is sponsored by the China Children's Literature Research Association and the Performing Arts Working Committee of the China Cultural Management Association, and organized by the Children's Drama Committee of the China Children's Literature Research Association. Song Guanlin, vice chairman of the China Cultural Management Association and chairman of the organizing committee of the Golden Thrush Children's Drama Exhibition, said in his speech that the large number of participants, the rich performance repertoire and the concentration of social attention this year's Golden Thrush Children's Drama Exhibition fully reflect this vivid image of youth drama and aesthetic education activities, which have a broad and far-reaching social foundation and mass foundation.

It is reported that the "Golden Thrush Children's Drama Exhibition" has been successfully held for 2018 sessions since 5, with more than 400 plays from all over the country selected and more than 1,<> students participating, opening a door for children to learn drama. (End)