Nightlife in Magaluf: escalated confrontation between bouncers and tourists


The police have arrested two bouncers of a club in Magaluf on the Spanish holiday island of Mallorca, who are said to have beaten up three tourists.

For one of the two, the judge in charge had ordered pre-trial detention, several media reported, including "Diario de Mallorca", citing the authorities. This bouncer had inflicted serious head injuries on one of the holidaymakers. The second man had been released under conditions. The police confirmed this information to the dpa news agency on request.

Incident recorded by security cameras

According to the reports, the attack occurred on the night of July 11. A bouncer is said to have kicked one of the three holidaymakers, who was already unconscious on the ground, several times against the head. The victim had therefore come to the hospital. His two companions – a man and a woman – were slightly injured in the altercation. The attack was recorded by security cameras. The act of violence is said to have been preceded by an altercation between one of the bouncers and one of the holidaymakers. It is not yet known what the dispute was about. According to local media reports, the three holidaymakers are French.

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It was not the first such incident in Mallorca in the recent past. At the beginning of July, for example, the »Mallorca Zeitung« reported that the police were investigating two security employees of a restaurant on Ballermann for an alleged attack on holidaymakers. Accordingly, it was already the "third major dispute between bouncers and German holidaymakers this season". A spokesman for the police told the medium that there had been similar incidents in recent years.
